
Would u like a home nations football tournament next summer??

by  |  earlier

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now that no british teams will be there would u like to bring back the home nations??




  1. Yeah..... I'd love it.

    England might actually win something then !!

  2. and have England destroy Croke Park like Landsdown road................ bite me........

    EIRE 32

  3. Yeah that would be good, except England would lose at the moment.  But then it might make them pull their socks up.

    Yeah, bring it on...

  4. sounds great idea because when England decides to put a good coach and assistant i think all the home nations need to get some sort of international practise put it for vote on the sports page

  5. Would be good but probably a year too late for Scotland, though. England will probably get their act together by then and stuff us!

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