
Would u like to go in politics???pls answer????

by  |  earlier

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all ppl say dat politics is not my piece of cake n stay away frm it but wen sumthg goes wrong around us...we blame politician' instead of blaming thm...cant we go in politics n do sumthg...coz to change da system...we have to b in da system..




  1. as long as you don't. because if i would have to ever read one of your bills i would shoot myself because you could not spell to save your life.

  2. Politics is a game of money, those without it have a hard time succeeding in it. Perhaps people frown upon being a politician because they know they need a certain amount of capital to do it.

  3. forst you'd have to go back to school and work on spelling.  I would go into politcis if I went back to schoola dn became a lawyer but that wont happen so I probley wont.

  4. I offten thought about that myself. I would go into politics and I'm still young enough to do it. I just have to learn the process. I think we do blame a politian to much. Alot of the blame should go to the people for putting/allowing some of these ******* in office. We need more REAL and TRUTHFUl people. We got to many people who will go with the man who has the money and that could be a bad thing sometimes. If you are considering running for office I would say do it but just a lil tip...If you want people to take you seriously then you might want to change your writing habits a bit. That will p**s people off quick because most can not handle trying to figure out what your saying.

  5. yes I would

  6. I agree with you, we blame the politicians. And I agree with you on the fact that we need people who aren't corrupt to go in there and fix it. But I do not like politics, it just doesn't interest me. Bye!!!

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