
Would u pay?

by  |  earlier

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would you pay for gas if it went to 5.00 a gallon??




  1. Unless you live in a place where you can walk, ride a bike or take public transportation, you have no choice but to pay it.  I will, and have, consolidated errands, and will cut out "friviolous" trips (and breakfast every weekday at McDonalds, which is good for my waistline anyway, but also saves gas).

  2. do we have a choice? got to have fuel to get to work.  we have to find ways to reduce how much we buy. thats all we can do. is it worth to buy a new car at 20 grand or keep filling up the old beast?

  3. get an electric car

    no way id pay that much

    ..if i had a car ;)

  4. yea i would I'm payin too much on my car payment to let my car sit without driving

  5. there will be alot more scooters and motorcycles on the road, which with more inexperienced bike drivers, could lead to....accidents...but after the learning curve...well...north americans are smart, we'll survive.........

  6. No way
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