
Would u rather???

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eat peanut butter and salmon?


eat fishsticks in oatmeal?




  1. peanut butter and salmon cuz i think that the peanut butter would lessen the flavor of salmon so it wouldn't taste as bad

  2. peanut butter and salmon, because I hate oatmeal

  3. The thought of both makes me gag.  Sorry, I just can't choose!

  4. peanut butter and salmon

  5. Both are somewhat disgusting. Would depend on how the Salmon was prepared, and if we are eating Tai food.  Fishsticks... in oatmeal again how to prepare. YOu can take a cod finger (industry term) and roll it in some buttermilk, take it out dust in spiced flour and  dredge it in fine milled oatmeal and deep fry.. but why? in the words of Chris Rock " I will eat a pigs *** if you cook it right"
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