
Would u still be speaking to yr neighbour if he did this?

by Guest59276  |  earlier

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and him a scientist! lol.




  1. It was an accident after all and they seem to have come to an amicable agreement. It's sad but it's life

  2. What an idiot. Glad he's not MY neighbour :)

  3. id be pissed but he is 79 yrs old

    id probably have to forgive him after he paid me for damages

  4. i would hate him if he did that 2 me

  5. He's embarrassed, he's apologised, they've agreed the repair bill, sometimes we need to accept accidents happen!

  6. I would sue the idiot

  7. This is why culling of over 60's should be mandatory

  8. omg!I'm very weary of my neighbour, he drives a car at 75 and has nearly drove into my wall trying to park on his driveway 3 times....I'm now praying that no one gets him one of those weed killer burners....

  9. i'd be more concerned for everyones safety, although it seems like it was an accident, i dont think he is an old fool let loose

    its all been resolved, so yes i would still speak to him, he couldnt foresee what happened and its as much of a dismay to him as his neighbours

    sue him??????? life is too short

    he was as worried as his neighbours

    accidents do happen

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