
Would u turn in a family member if they broke the law?

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the guy im seeing has a huge family problem. his 16 yr old brother is already on probation for drinking and drugs and his parents are oblivious. they dont realize he fishbowls his room with his friends (they think hes burning incense...seriously) last nite my guy got a call from his brother at 2am sayin he had a flat tire and needed help (he has a 10pm curfew by the way) we got there and the car was there but he wasnt...we found him almost a mile away wandering around. he forgot he called us and didnt know where the car was or what happened (he hit a curb doin 70 and blew the tire) he was beyond stoned and he said he didnt drink but we dont believe him. my guy knows where his bro hid the bong and his baggie.. he wants to put it on the kitchen table for his dad to see.. hes sick of covering for his brother and he wants this stuff to end... hes contemplating going to the police... what would u do?




  1. It would be better to get him help before he kills someone.  He could have ran over an entire crowd of people and killed several.

    The parents need to be told as soon as possible.  They should be in the plan to help him.

  2. Someone needs to lay off the drugs. I think he should tell his brother he needs to quit all the bullcrap.....or he's going to tell their dad or go to the police.  If he doesn't straighten up then report his butt.  

    Someone please answer my question. I could really use a guys opinion.;...

  3. I don't even have to think about it - I did it.  Saved me bro's life.  No, we was not happy about it...but he's alive and seems to have successfully gone through detox.  Even went and earned a college degree...

  4. get him help before he hurts himself or someone. Teenage hot line is available to all teenagers.

    Talk to your parents before it gets out of hand and something serious happens to him or someone else. Do it now before it is too late.

    Life gots to change

  5. He needs help.

    he needs to  go to rehab.

    tell your boyfriend that he needs to put the bong out for his parents to see, and to tell his parents his brother needs

    some serious help.

    if he keeps doing what hes doing its only a matter of

    time before he tries more hardcore stuff

  6. Have your bf tell his brother that he will no longer cover for him. His brother can kill himself and/or others by his behavior (especially while driving). Tell the parents that if they don't force him to go get help, and stand up and be more responsible parents, that you will turn him in. See if that will work. Either way... that boy needs some serious help, and a major wake-up call. If he keeps going on like this he will have no future at all. Since he is a minor, he will not get a major sentence if arrested, but he may have more strict rules because of his probation. you can't just sit back and let him stay down this path.

  7. His brother will die unless he turns him in.

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