
Would u view me negatively?

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I have bad asthma that has been acting up a lot. I'm generally a shy, quiet person so I usually don't reveal much. But I opened up to a friend in an email. I told them that I've been trying to keep a clear head but I still struggle a lot with trying to handle what's happening to me because it's frustrating and frightening, especially since no one truly understands what I'm experiencing. I also said that I was thinking of writing poetry about my attacks as a creative outlet, but I'm not sure if I want to revisit those vulnerable places.

If I told you all of this, would u feel I'm too negative or dramatic? Would u view me negatively? What would u think?




  1. I would not have a negative view of you at all. In fact, I would encourage you to write about your experiences. It might help others understand and it also might help you feel better.  

  2. honestly, people that don't know you very well will always judge you differently. this is because they don't have the complete story, and most people jump to conclusions. but this is good that you've got a creative outlet for your problems. maybe joining a poetry group or club will help with your shyness and get you more comfortable around people. i hope this helps! :)

  3. no you seem artistic and thats how some people handle issues thry are going threw...Go for it, what ever makes you happy

  4. no, i just think u need some one to talk to and that u trust

  5. Dear Angel,

    That`s no big deal. Go get some crocodile meat for BBQ. Or the dried crocodile`s meat for making soup. It`ll solve your problems accumulated for years.

  6. what is happening is what is happening.

    you can change it with your will power.

    i don't get good marks in my exams, I never mind.

    My classmates refer me as a joker, I never mind.

    furthermore i have problem with my left leg, I never mind that, I just think that it won't affect my daily Taekwondo practice

    and just continues, I'd say

    never stop to think about what is happening

    or what will happen

    just do everything

    so that you won;t regret that you wasted your time

    + i agree with the person above me

    about "people jumping to the conclusions"

    and as far as The poem is concerned

    write something that doesn't hurt you when you read it

    attach good memories with it not the sad ones

  7. No I wouldn't view you negatively. There's nothing wrong with being open and honest and having an outlet to deal with your problems.

  8. No, I wouldn't view you negatively.  A good friend should be there to listen and if needed, advice.  I'd worry if you have a real friendship if that caused negative feelings.  Writing poetry can be a great outlet if you don't get too upset.

    As for your asthma, you really need to see a doctor, perhaps a specialist, who can put you on the right preventative medication.  Are you taking preventative medication?  Do you take it regularly?  When was it last reviewed?  I was frightened to take medication for my asthma until I found that I was having difficulty remembering things and found that bad asthma can do this to you.  It can also cause  dangerous changes in your lungs and/ or brain.  I now take 'Symbicort' one puff twice a day and am a different person.  This may not be the right medication for you and you may have asthma much worse than me.  Have you tried swimming?  If you're not allergic to the chemicals in the pool, that can be very helpful.  There are other exercises that can help, and some Chinese Herbal Medicine can help, but conventional medication needs to be right and you need a written plan from your doctor so that you know what to do when it gets worse.  I take my peak flow morning and night.  This lets me know if I am having problems before they start, so I can take more medication and prevent a crisis.

  9. No, I wouldn't view you negatively.  I'd feel badly for you that you have  to deal with such bad asthma attacks. I'd probably be curious and ask to read some of your poetry (I like creative writing a lot).

    If someone is feeling negatively about you or is making you feel ashamed or bad about opening up to them about this, then that person is wrong for doing so.  

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