
Would u watch ecw next week if these were the matches?

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Matt Hardy vs Henry - Extreme rules

Finlay vs mike knox

atlas ortiz vs tommy dreamer

Evan Bourne and Super Crazy vs Miz and Morrisson- ladder match




  1. Yes

  2. h**l yea

  3. Ya betta believe it!!!!

  4. I Would. I Know Ecw Is The Worst Brand In WWE But Evan May Put ECW to The Top  

  5. if he xtreme rules match was 4 the ecw title i would

  6. yes i would watch ecw if those matches were on and i watch ecw every week anyway but i dont recken they will have the ladder match but they might still have it as a normal tag

  7. I will watch ECW next week regardless of who the matches are, but those would make for a good show.

  8. yes i would;...

  9. Yeah I would.

  10. h**l no i would only watch the last match

  11. I watch it regardless, but those matches are OK. I would only like the 2nd match and the last match, and maybe the 1st one. 3rd one seems like it would be boring to me.

  12. Psh... No. ECW sucks.


    I ♥ Mr. Kennedy

  13. well i personally wouldnt be partaking in the spectating, but i know for a fact that my grandparents and my best friends g-ma would!!!!!!

  14. Those are the best matches I've seen on ecw since it came back. You should be gm.

  15. yes, you need to submit your name to write for them cause they suck. like matt hardy isn't the best star they got, give him the dang belt and stop ripping him off. Booo vince Boooo

  16. h**l YEAH! Especially the Ladder Match & Extreme Rules. Your match card actually put the Extreme in ECW.

  17. Yes, especially the ladder match. That thing would be crazy!

  18. sure

  19. WWE become worser because of John Cena and Batista

    Would u watch ECW if Floyd K O all the superstar. I would

    WWE will be poor TNA will grow up fast.

    WWE need help a big help.  

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