
Would using Hypnosis to get woman i like to go out on a date with me be lame brain idea?

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Would using Hypnosis to get woman i like to go out on a date with me be lame brain idea?




  1. absolutely

  2. It's not a lame brain idea if the girl has a lamer brain than you do. Hypnosis works best on the weak minded.

  3. hey man i use bar magic

    you use hypnosis

    some dudes use gifts

    it's your call

  4. sick idea. ur retarded to think of it. lol

  5. The very first reply---  quote:  "it may work unless the lady is blind"

    This is probably not the case.  In fact by simply asking this question, I'm willing to bet that the only way she'd go out with you is IF she were blind.  :)

  6. Yeah probably...

    Wouldn't you want someone that you know want you

    not is told that she wants you?

  7. If you need hypnosis to get laid, then I think you should lower your standards.

  8. lol everyone that has answered so far dont know what they is talkin bout.

    bottom line, it wont work anyway, you cant hypnotise someone and make them do what you want...its literally impossible.

    now if you have found some magic way to actually do it (which you havnt...) then do it for sure, that'd be cool lol.

  9. Yes, just be yourself. If you are real and able to listen... and I mean really listen any woman would be happy to be with you!

  10. Err...very lame.

  11. YES!!!  I'd be pissed if I found out the guy I was dating did soemthing devious like that without me knowing!  You'll probably lose her if she finds out...and rightly so!!!

  12. yes

  13. it may work unless the lady is blind

  14. uhhh, maybe someone used it on  you to undo your luck with women?  does that sound very fair?

  15. Yes its lame and she might not be the right person for u,if it happens it happens but maybe u havent tried enough to make her wana go out wiv u.

  16. very lame brain idea,perhaps u could improve u self esteem ?work better!!

  17. yeah, since hypnosis only works on willing subjects, and once the person is snapped out of hypnosis the suggestions only remain if the person wants them to remain.

    However, assuming it did work, would you really want to go out with someone who didnt choose to go out with you?

  18. Absolutely.

  19. no, in fact, hypnosis really works!

  20. The main thing to remember about Hypnosis is you can't make someone do something that they wouldn't already consider doing when not not under hypnosis.

    It may sound unbelievable but it's true. A person doing a stage show will pick the most responsive candidates before the show starts.

    How are you planning to get her to sit down and be hypnotised anyway?

  21. Yes.

  22. A woman is not a chicken. And hypnosis only opens people up to suggestion.

  23. yes that could be classed as rape having s*x when she did not really want to, give her date rape that lll do it i think your a s*x fiend

  24. Hello

    Lol - yes very lame!

    It wouldn't work for a start. But she might be intrigued by your sense of humor x


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  25. d**n... are things really that bad that you have to start hypnotizing people to go out with you? Just ask her our normally. If she says no, try your luck elsewhere.

  26. ah yes its wierd i never would even think of that

  27. Yes, because hypnosis simply does not  work that way. I have provided you a link below that will allow you to inform yourself about hypnosis.

  28. It's used for that all the time - mostly by unethical jerks - but sometimes not.

  29. It would be unethical and immoral and it should be illegal.  How would you feel if a man tried to hypnotize you into having s*x with him?  It's the same thing.

    Just try to be a nice guy and maybe she'll go out with you anyway.

  30. How about using a baseball bat?

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