
Would we be able to think without our senses?

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  1. helen keller could think very well without 2 of them (sight and hearing).  I think it's obvious that you can think without them.  If helen keller couldn't taste, i still think she could think.

  2. That's a very good question! In Buddhism and Eastern Philosophy in general, it is the clear, empty mind that is the most intelligent, the most aware and the most wise!

    The purpose of prayer & contemplation, and meditation yogas are to tune out the senses outside, in order to amplify the 'inner senses', 'see the light and the Word within' and connect with 'universe intelligence'. This is called developing a 'closer relationship with God/ Christ'.

    So, yes, ancient wisdom traditions and christian scripture seem to imply that human thinking and wisdom/ intellligence is at its best with regular shutting off of the outside noise that we pick up through our outer senses.

    Rev. Dr. Nostrum, Pharm.D.

    ( Spiritual Teacher & Licensed Clinical Pharmacist )


    Short Addition:

    It is better to live in the present, not to lose oneself in past memories or drift away in the fantasies of the future. Thinking by way of the 5 outer senses is being trapped in the past. The 5 senses do not exist in the future, so thinking about the future is also being trapped in the past. Only by being 'empty minded' in the present, does thinking open up the inner senses to tap the fullness of Universal Intelligence, and that's better, right?

    Long Version!

    Frank - I have been 'thinking' about your question some more and remembered another Eastern Philophy concept that may be closer to what you were asking  - or at least another view point, ( this is great teacher training, thanks, lol)

    OK, so there is the Chinese and Indian concepts of the small, limited ego-mind, being self-referring in its understandings of sensory input. The 'Chita' (Sanskrit) mind thinks everything in 'subject-object' or 'yin-yang' fashion. This is called living in Duality and is based only on current sensory input and past memories. This kind of thinking is unreliable and has very limited information to work with.

    Chita-mind is the unenlightened 'small mind' of a human. There is no present-centeredness. Being in the NOW is the ONLY way to access higher intelligence, intuition, creativity or inspiration of any kind. This is why Oprah Winfrey and millions of her viewers/ fans are doing the online & live web lessons with Spiritual Master Teacher, Eckhardt Tolle, (the modern western Guru of being in the present moment). Every counselor and psychotherapist's #1 goal is to bring the client back to the NOW present, in order to think straight and access truth, reality, inner inspiration, all of which leads to break-throughs, insight and self-healing.

    Why is this technical mumbo-jumbo important? Because it is in famous, ancient scriptures that mankind suffers due to using only the 'small, limited intelligence' kind of mind. What is the alternative - how can Man think without the 5 outer senses?

    If we did not use our outer senses, the brain will have access to 'Universal Intelligence' of the enlightened human mind. It is called 'chiti', or 'chiti-shakti', in Sanskrit. This would happen if there was no 'noise' from the Chita small mind of the limited senses. Meditation is exactly for that. Chiti-mind is not self-referring, it refers, (or references),  to the entire universe, all places, all times, all things and non-things. Deepak Chopra calles this God-consciousness, or at least 'present minded awareness'. Buddhists call this 'The Void', Christians call this 'The Gap' or 'being in the State of Grace'.

    In Chiti-shakti thinking, the inner senses open up for higher order, more subtle perceptions. Duality collapses into Unity. Subject-Object and the Yin-Yang of thinking (eg. paint, painter, painting), collapses into Witness consciousness here one is all 3, the Subject AND the Object. Infinitely more powerful, inspired, intuitive thinking happens not from memories but in the present moment access to the higher chiti intelligence with is the 'Field of Infinite Potential'.

    The brain/ mind has access to inspiration, creativity, profound insight and the ability to create miracles, such as healings, super-human strength, and even baptism by the Holy Spirit. This creates the inspirational thinking of geniuses like Michelangelo, Mozart, Beethovan, Shakespeare and Einstein, etc.

    This is as short as I could make it. Give me more profound questions so I can practice!



  3. yes,our brain can be use to control is controling our,it can be use to control other object if you focus the object long enough.

  4. It's an extremely interesting question that I've never considered before.

    Both the social constructionist and existential phenomenological approaches would suggest that we wouldn't be able to think. Our thoughts are merely the products of our senses (in the case of SC, it's the product of discourses we're exposed to).

    I would suspect that you would be able to think, but it would be absolutely nothing like what we think of as think.

  5. our senses are touch, taste, smell, hear and see..

    yes of course we would be able to think.. our brain sends messages to our body to perform certain actions- possibly carry out our five senses!

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