
Would we get in trouble for this? If we were your kids would you punish us?

by Guest34406  |  earlier

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ok, so yesterday, i (i'm 13), my 13 yo sis, 12 yo bro, and 11 yo sis were bored so we do what we always do when we get bored. dare each other to do stuff. so we were playing around on the trampoline and its a sucky one (didn't jump you very high) so we started doing backflips off the roof onto it. then our older sister said she was going to tell dad. my 12 yo bro had broke his arm earlier by doing this, but if she does tell do u think we'd get in trouble?




  1. Yes, you would get in trouble.  The trampoline would be entirely off limits for one week.  Also, since you were so bored, I would find something for you to do like wash the windows, mow the lawn, pull weeds, anything I could think of that needed doing.  Of course, once you had done all this work, I'd take all of you out to the movies or bowling or something else fun just to reestablish how much I love you and want to keep you safe and alive.

  2. Put yourself in your parents place and remember that every time you guys get hurt they have to take you to the doctor - so they might have to take time off work and then the doctors bills can be really expensive.  Maybe your family doesn't have the money to be fixing a broken arm every other week.  I think you would probably get in trouble.  If it was my mom she'd say "If you're bored you can do the laundry for me"

  3. yep i'd tell u of if u wer mine, u miss the trampoline and land on ur head and u could get paralised or even die

  4. It unfortunate that you would do something that irresponsible.  Thankfully my children, who are only 9 and 6, have enough brains to realize that doing something like that would be pretty darn stupid.

  5. im a kid too.......if you got into trouble last time when your bro broke his arm......then i would think you would get in the same amount of trouble , accept a little less cause nobody broke anything.

    Best Of Luck!?!?!?!?!

  6. Well, I think you will depending on how strict your parents are....  I do front flips on my trampoline, but doing backflips off the roof thats pretty stupid. I know doing stuff like that is fun, but it usally comes with consequences, my friend broke his arm by jumping off his roof onto his trampoline. Do you really wanna end up with a broken bone, parylized or dead. Just becasue of this stunt... is it really wroth the risk. I can totally understand you guys. I'm a andrenaline junkie myself and have been known to some pretty crazy and stupid stuff. I usally end up hurt or am pretty close to being hurt. If ever jumped off the roof onto the trampoline, Id prob be grounded and never aloud on it again. If you were my kids you'd most likely get yelled at and be punished. I'd recomend these things to get your aldrenaline rushes. Paintball, Snowboarding, Rollercostars, Roll down a big hill, do some type of sport.sled, wrestle ect I hope this helped

  7. Yep. The trampoline would be thrown in the trash and you'd have more chores than you could ever want.

  8. You would get the wooden spoon applied to your backside, and the trampoline would be gone

  9. Honey, I can honestly say that if you were my child, I'd beat your rear.  You could just as easily break your neck or back and be instantly killed or paralyzed for the rest of your life!!  I don't know for certain whether you WILL get into trouble with your father, but I'd say you certainly SHOULD be in trouble so deep it takes you a month to dig out!

    God forbid something like this should happen to you, whether death or paralysis, but you need to stop and think, What IF?  My mother always told us that IF is a mighty big word.  Maybe you'll never have anything worse than a broke arm, but what IF???  Would you like to live another 40 - 50 years or would you rather your parents and siblings visit you at the graveyard, placing flowers on your grave at holidays and your dob, and crying over you, missing you and mourning for you?  Or had you rather live the remainder of your life in a wheelchair, never walking again, having someone attend your every need?  You're so very young and have so much living left to do...I pray you do so with more forethought.

    God bless you, Darlin'.

  10. A good beating solves all

  11. Boy would you be in trouble if you were mine!  You older ones should know better....someone could break more than just an arm..blah blah know all the mom things that we mom's like to say. Don't do it anymore!!!

  12. The trampoline would be gone, especially considering what already happened.

    "Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

  13. NO

    I'm 14 and this happened to me , but we were doing front flips

    They don't tell you off

    Just moan about health and saftey

  14. If you were my children, the grounding would last the rest of the summer and I would take a knife to the trampoline and cut it in a bunch of pieces so it wouldn't happen again.

    Realize that this is a neck that could be broken.  Ever see anyone in a wheelchair?  Do you know that when you are paralyzed that your body functions don't work and you can die at any time?  How would you feel if you are laughing, having fun and your brother or sister ended up in this situation?  Realize that there won't be any more vacations because it is hard to take someone in a wheelchair.  The money won't be there for fun things, presents, etc. because your parents are putting all of their money into therapy, specialized equipment, specialists, etc.  Your parents time won't be there because your sibling is basically an infant again, actually worse because it takes a lot longer.  Your sibling will go through you know what because their options will be limited for the rest of thier life.

    All of this because you are bored?  Parents do set rules for a reason, not to be nasty, but because they love you and worry about you.

  15. if you were my kids yeah you would get into trouble..

  16. Uhm depending on how strict your parents are.

    For me I would just say "you dad did the same stupid stuff, just if you do it again and someone gets hurt there will be punishment involved and you won't like it. So its your choice to decide if you want to risk it or if you want still temp this stupid stuff"

    Most parents won't be like me though.

    I would think grounded and stuff like that.

    They might be disappointed in you. But if your brother did brake his arm its better to let them know so he won't have to heal wrong or anything like that. ok? No matter what your punishment is, as long as your brother is going to be okay thats all that will matter.

  17. I'd get rid of the trampoline and that would be the end of it. And to keep you busy I'd give you chores.

  18. If you were my kids, I would let you do whatever you want on the trampoline, but you would have to deal with a broken arm, leg, or neck. Don't ask me for help if you get hurt. Bye!!!

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