
Would we go back to the stone age if intelligent design was taught in the public schools as an alternative?

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Would we go back to the stone age if intelligent design was taught in the public schools as an alternative?




  1. we will go to nonsense complexity age...

    i think intelligent design is getting old and so is Atheism and Theism

    there is another age that will rise...

  2. Not the stone age.  But we would be taking a big step back to the early 1800's.


    I *really* applaud snethentown's answer.  "The other theories will not be dismissed as wrong, but will not be addressed in this forum."  Bingo!   That is exactly the point!   Science is only one approach to profound questions about origins, and people are not required to accept its approach as universally "True."   But you don't lobby to AMEND SCIENCE to be more in line with your particular religious tenets (such as a *literal* interpretation of scripture).  You don't lobby to offer "alternative" ideas (like Intelligent Design) and call them "scientific theories" IN SCIENCE CLASS, even though nobody in the scientific community agrees that it qualifies as either science OR a theory.  

    So I was wrong.  Teaching Intelligent Design doesn't take us back to the early 1800's ... it takes us back to 1600's .. to the pre-Newtonian concept of what science *IS*.

  3. What "stone age"? Stones have existed since the beginning of creation and still do today.

    You don't have to teach both sides of the debate when one side is a pile of c**p. That's exactly what evolution is.

    We need to start with the Bible and build science upon the foundation of scripture. Ever since they took the bible out of schools, SAT scores when down dramatically so they actually had to "dumb up" the SAT test so that the scores wouldn't look so bad.

    However, in Christian schools their scores never went down. And now Graduates from Christian schools are considered the "Cream of the Crop."

  4. Teaching intelligent design would certainly be an anti-american sentiment.Our seperation of church and state laws are implemented to avoid indoctrination of our children in schools. Intelligent design is a theory that should be taught by parents and those not affiliated with public government agencies such as schools. It must simply be said that "there are many theories to how the universe was created and the scientific community has in large accepted the evidence for spontaneous existence "The Big Bang" and the theories of evolution.  Thus those theories will be examined in school. The other theories will not be dismissed as wrong, but will not be addressed in this forum". Teaching intelligent design leads to unintentional religious affiliations and can step on the rights of students to decide for themselves.

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