
Would we value life so much if there was no death?

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Would we value life so much if there was no death?




  1. Interesting question! If there was no death, people would take life for granted. Since there is death, we recognize the value to it.

  2. Not everyone values life as it is. Genocide, abortion, among other things are testament to that.

  3. No. We wouldn't because we would always be trying to kill ourselves. The threat of death is all that keeps us from attempting many things. Sooner or later and for one reason or another, we would seek death.

  4. If there was no death then how could we know what was life?

    We wouldn't know the difference between them because we wouldn't have knowledge of one of them.

  5. If there was no death we wouldn't value life as much.

    We wouldn't be so prone to be so successful before we die.

    If there was no death people would be lazy and wouldn't care.

  6. yeah I agree.. it's what makes us realize.

    life's like a candle in the middle of darkness.. if it weren't for the dark, we'll never see how brilliant a light is.

  7. Well, for those of us who believe in life beyond death, there really is no such thing as the death you speak of.  But I think to us, the value or our life is in the education we receive, and the experiences and knowledge we gain.  This life is a testing ground, and a classroom.  The things we learn, the experiences we have, and the relationships we form are what we take with us to the next life.

  8. We often don't value life even knowing there is death.  Many kill others with no regard.  Many seek death on their own.  Those who fully understand and accept death often do not fear it.  These folks are the ones in my experience who most charish life.  Without death, perhaps some of life's shininess would wear off for them.  Would this hold for everyone?  No, I don't think so.

  9. we only value things which we know we would lose....someday, somehow.....

  10. If there were no death, the place would be so crowded by now (around 14 billion people) and resources so much scarcer that what life there was wouldn't be very enjoyable.

  11. you cannot value anything that comes in an infinite quantity (i.e., immortality). That is why dirt is has no value, but diamonds do.

    Infinite, versus finite.

    The first comment here is brilliant too

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