
Would wearing an Eye Patch at 16 years old help tackle lazy eye?

by  |  earlier

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Or am I too old, so it would be ineffective, any help would be great,




  1. yes defo wear it at home =]

  2. No but it will make you look stupid!It might be something that just runs along in your family.

  3. Most of these folks are correct, after a certain age wearing a patch for a lazy eye is proven to be ineffective (I have one and they didn't catch it until I was 10yo by which time it was far too late). You can confirm this by calling any professional for free.

  4. Sure, i would think it would work at any age. It forces the lazy eye to work. AND it would make you look like a pirate. arg. lol, scare your neighborehood children, tahts always fun.


  5. You need to see an optician. At your age it's free.

  6. take Calcarea Flour 200  - [4]  pills daily for 4 days; failing which take Natrum Mur - 200  [1] pill daily after sunset. available @ any local homoeo store.

    medicine to be dissolved on/under ur tongue and not to be swallowed   don't take anything for 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after medication.

    good luck to u.

  7. Nope, eye patches only work until age six.  After age six, vision is pretty much at the level it will be.

  8. The younger the child is when a lazy eye is diagnosed, the more successful treatment is likely to be. If treatment is started after the age of eight, it is unlikely to be as successful. but go to your doctor he might be able to help but try and not take medicine it could make matters worse. but if it is incurable then don't feel like its the end of the world I'm sure you are just a nice guy and a straight eye wont make you any better than you really are good luck :)

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