
Would women get more respect from men if they learnt how to drive properly?

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puppygirl: I'm no expert but wouldn't this- "testosterone overload and underdeveloped genitalia" - be rather unlikely?




  1. need to come out here to farm country.  Somehow I think some of the farmers around here wouldn't DREAM of allowing someone like you behind the wheel of their $400,000 combines....they'd much rather have their 14 year old daughters driving the machines.

    Around here most people (male and female) started to drive when they were 6-8 years old....whenever they could reach all the pedals.  We have 10 year olds driving semi trucks around here all the time (male & female).

    No...the real problem isn't gender.  It's city and suburbia folks who grew up with zero responsiblity.  When you give children responsibility from a very early age, and teach them how to drive everything from the tractors, combines, snowmobiles, ATV's, pickup trucks, family car, ect, you end up with some very responsible drivers....male AND female.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  2. Phone any car insurance company and ask how many of the people that claim each year are men? you will find most of them are.

  3. They would at least kill less people.  

  4. I, like Rainman, am an excellent driver, but sadly, I can't take up for women in this case, because women so can't drive. Men ain't doin' too well around these parts either, though. You'd think they'd institute some sort of testing procedures before putting someone behind the wheel of a deadly weapon... oh, wait...

    (I've actually been complimented by guys on my driving skills, especially when I have to back down a mountain on a one lane dirt road - FUN!)

  5. If that was the case, it would be awfully narrow minded if women could only earn respect through their driving ability.

    I drive properly - have I earned your respect now? :-)  

  6. So sorry but I have never felt it was necessary to seek respect or approval from a man when it comes to my driving ability.

    Edit: Dog,  no one really respects someone who is always trying to seek approval from others. It may be a problem for you when someone isn't striving to achieve this from you.

  7. No.  I think men find different reason for why they think it is ok not to respect or to disrespect women.  Also, just because you are male does not mean you know how to drive properly.  Correct me if i am wrong, but aren't most DUIs men?  I can see where that would force you to believe women are the only ones who can not drive. NOT  Everyone is good at different things.  I have met men who can't drive worth a d**n and women who drive d**n well.

  8. I don't really think your question makes any sense whatsoever. Man or woman alot of people are idiots on the road gender doesn't play a role. For you to even ask a stupid question like that is just ignorant. Why should women worry about getting respect from men if men don't drive properly and vice versa.  

  9. speak for yourself

    most guys such as myself highly respect women

  10. An awful lot of women drive much better than me.  I've totalled my car and have had many issues with driving (I'm a guy and there may also be confounding variables which have led to some reckless behaviour when I've driven).

    I'd rather have most women drive instead of me because I hate traffic and every time I've been a passenger and sent to the hospital following an MVA, it's been a male driver.  In my experience, there is a large Indian population.  It is my humble opinion that many Indian people are poor drivers (far worse than women, in general).  I think women are better drivers than I am, but Indian drivers are even worse than me.  I drive 5 miles further than I need to in order to avoid a highly populated Indian community in the interest of self-preservation.

    Some female drivers shouldn't have a license to drive.  I really think that I should be routinely monitored since I'm a lousy driver myself.  Most women are far better drivers than I am.

    Modern Feminists may or may not drive well, but should be margianalized as they pose an egregious threat to Western society in the advancement of their hateful philosophy.

    There's absolutely no correlative nor causal relationship between serum testosterone & the safe operation of a motor vehicle.

  11. What do you mean,?

    like doing a ton down the motorway? like men do.

    Like almost crashing while looking at the legs of the girl on the pavenent?

    Like, mounting the kerb one-handed bcos  hes picking his nose with the other?

    Like driving amassive fast car, bcos he's got a little willy?

    No women wont get more respect from men by driving properly, bcos the men wouldnt notice anyway

  12. I can't believe someone said "even though men are better drivers..."

    That's ridiculous.

    Driving skills are not based on gender.

    I've known good and bad in both!

  13. "Drive properly?"

    Women stick to speed limits and the rules of the road.

    Men don't!

  14. By properly I presume you mean tailgating, lane-switching and generally behaving like a neanderthal with testosterone overload and underdeveloped genitalia?

  15. men will respect women when women learn to respect men.

  16. Some women think they need to open the door to let the clutch out

  17. Yea males are more involved in accidents since they tend to drink and drive or are just generally more reckless.

    However, I wouldnt say that being cautious makes you a good driver either which is what women tend to be.

    Sticking to the road rules does not make you a good driver, just a law abiding one.

    But as to the question its loaded, properly could imply that they just are more law abiding so yea.. if you said good you could use my points but this is just a poorly worded question

  18. Not on it's own.

    They would also need to shop less and talk less and listen more.


  19. That might be a good place to start. However broads need to keep in mind that nobody is going to GRANT them respect, except their cronies perhaps.. They forget that respect is EARNED. Until they learn that fundamentally & respect men more, they'll have to get more used to playing 2nd fiddle..

  20. I drive 'properly' - in other words I drive like a man.  I have excellent spacial awareness, I drive too fast and I take chances.  As soon as I get into the driver's seat I feel I'm at one with my car: we're both part of the same machine.  I test my car to its limits and I know exactly how it can perform.

    On the other hand, I have had a few girly accidents.  I bumped my car on a pillar in a car park once.  And I knocked my wing mirror off in another car park.  And my most embarrassing moment was reversing into a brick wall at high speed, causing $400 worth of damage.  But then, my brother caused $1000 of damage when he drove into a brick wall to avoid a fox, and he drives a Daimler.

    So: I take chances and drive too fast.  Do I have your respect yet???

  21. By drive properly do you mean, cutting people up, swerving in and out of lanes, scratching their balls, driving close behind someone and leering out of the window at half dressed women?!?!?!?!


  22. And the reason why women get cheaper car insurance is...

  23. Would you get any s*x at all from women if you stopped being an idiot?

  24. Have you noticed most crashes are caused by MEN! Boy racers.

  25. I think respect comes from respecting others. I don't think driving better will do a whole lot.

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