
Would women rather marry a rich-ugly guy or a handsome guy who is poor?

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Would women rather marry a rich-ugly guy or a handsome guy who is poor?




  1. Niether.  I will marry someone who is kind, pleasing to the eye with a good job and respect.  Someone like me.

  2. It depends how how the man treats you. He can be rich and treat you like dirt, or can be poor and treat you bas as well. So money doesn't matter about your status, but your actions.

  3. rich and handsome are matters of whats inside so that is a very subjective question to me- i.e. a handsome person with an ugly heart is ugly; hence a not attractive person with a good heart is beautiful.

  4. I would rather marry the man that I fell in love with.  

  5. I think it would depend on how shallow she is.

    I'd rather marry handsome and poor.

    If he's poor, at least he isn't full of himself.

    If he's handsome and poor..hopefully he isn't conceited..

    Rich and ugly..well...I think that would mean..

    He has lots of money..And maybe doesn't feel so good about himself..

    So maybe he thinks..He'll be able to buy love to make him feel good..

    Or he could be one heck of guy who just so happens to be rich and be a good guy..

    And the poor handsome guy could think that his looks would buy him a rich woman. So he won't be poor anymore..


    Good one though.

    I think most women would marry the Handsome poor guy instead though.

  6. Rich - poor- handsome - ugly --- none of that really should make a difference in deciding who to marry. I'd prefer to look at personality - kind, caring, generous, loyal, trustworthy, loving.... and other similar characteristics. And the first reason to marry someone would be that I loved him & he loved me. If more people focused on what REALLY matters long-term in life, maybe there'd be fewer divorces. Good looks fade over time and money can be lost in a heartbeat with one bad financial decision or turn of the economy. The other characteristics are usually so ingrained in a person by the time he / she is ready to marry that those traits are there for life.

  7. Handsome and poor, but its more about personality than looks. ;-D

  8. poor man with good humor, love, peace, money doesn't matter to me, nor looks.

  9. I would rather marry a rich - ugly guy.  It's not about the looks .

  10. Let's face it...Looks are generally what we see first when we notice a potential partner....So I would have to say a handsome guy who is poor....My hubby is very handsome....not poor...but not rich either...I married him because of our shared values and morals....because he respects and loves me... looks are secondary after you get to know someone...

  11. I would rather marry the NICE guy, regardless of money or looks.  So if he is handsome, nice, and poor, I'll marry him.  If he is rich, ugly and rude, he can keep himself and his money away from me.

  12. handsome guy who is poor. I don't mind being the bread winner, and I don't want to sound like a jerk, but more often than not rich guys are conceited.

  13. most women say looks dont matter  think about that and you will have your answer

  14. rich definitely helps the ugly.

    and the handsome justifies the poor.

    but i'd go for someone somewhat unconventional looking, who are just able to support themselves and yet have a good time.

    but hot and rich will work too

  15. I've never cared too much about looks.  I've always been attracted to personality more than anything.  So, if I were single, I'd probably go for the ugly guy if he also had a great personality.

  16. It depends on many other qualities and attributes the guy offers. Is he kind? Honest? Trustworthy? Caring? Intelligent? Does he have good morals? Can he make me laugh and keep a smile on my face? Anyone who would marry someone based solely on whether they were rich or poor, handsome or ugly is completely shallow. I could never decide on marrying a man based on that alone, sorry.

  17.   Some years ago I read something like that : there is no such thing as an ugly rich man.

  18. definitely handsome and poor. money doesnt mean anything  

  19. I don't care about the looks that much, I care about the personality

  20. I can't be with some one and not be attracted to him and I won't be with a poverty minded guy either. So none!

  21. Handsome and poor. You can always make money. You can't just become hansome.  

  22. Ask Princess Diana!!  Fortunately her sons have the good luck to look like their mom.

  23. that depends on a couple of things. One woman could have a totally different taste in guys so it depends who you are asking. If you are asking a sensible girl then a guy who is nice and could steal her heart with or without looks and money

  24. For me physical appearance is not much important. what counts most is the values and attitude that he has. If that rich-ugly guy is a good person & truly loves me then I will be lucky to have him.  

  25. Handsome and poor

  26. Neither! I can't handle ugly or a poor guy.

    The guy doesn't have to be handsome, but at least decent looking. If I'm going to have s*x with this guy, I have to be able to stand to look at him.

    No one HAS to be poor. People chose that life style, because they are lazy, won't get an education and work hard to get ahead in life. Who wants to be with such a person?

    Now we would all like Mr. Right to be rich, but only a few of us meet that one.

    I prefer a decent looking, educated, hard working man, who has ambition and goals in his life.

  27. Well after dating the handsome poor guy many times, I am tired of the money struggle, so next time, it will be the ugly rich guy. I think the youner you are, you follow your heart, then something evil happens if you don't marry and you realize money does make things easier.

  28. Poor handsome guy, which is exactly whom i married.Money comes and goes But to find true love now their is something to hang onto.I can only speak for myself but i think women want a man who is going to love and respect them regardless of thier money or what they look like.

  29. Depends on the woman!

  30. Ugly and rich everytime... Sadly in England most of them are ugly and very few are rich... or so im led to believe!

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