
Would would you vote for Obama or someone who would destroy the world? ?

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Would you for Obama who can save the world or someone who will destroy the world (I'm not saying it is McCain so don't start that c**p with me). Do you (Obama Haters) hate Obama so much you will vote for a guy who will destroy the world then vote for him?

I just want to see how much people HATE Obama.




  1. who's to say Obama is not the one who will destroy the world??? I do not think it is Obama that people hate...I believe he truly wants to save the world, I just hate the way he plans to go about doing it.

  2. Kind of the same thing don't ya think?

  3. I don't hate Obama, I'm just educated enough in the right subjects to see through him.  Losing this election will be the best he could do.  He has done wonders for this country in running this campaign. It would be a tragedy to ruin all that by getting elected and making a mess of things, which he will do.

    I'll trade the sure downside of an Obama presidency against the possible upside of Palin (who is the one that will very quickly be running things)

  4. Obama > Someone destroying the world

  5. I'm voting for the Cthulhu/Nyarlathotep ticket!

    Why vote for the *LESSER* of two evils?  I choose the greater!

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