
Would yahoo stand up with citizens when it comes to free speech and publics right to know on important issues.

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Would yahoo stand up with citizens when it comes to free speech and publics right to know on important issues.




  1. Well there's free speech then there's trolling.  

  2. Only if it follows Community Guidelines!

  3. yahoo is likely to work for profits and go strictly by law. it is citizens job to fight for free speech and civil liberties. we can not expect any commercial organization to assume such role.  

  4. Maybe you should learn something about what Free Speech is - and what it is not.

    Free Speech only applies in public areas.  When you are on private property the host can set the rules as to what is acceptable and acceptable Free Speech.

    And you are here as a guest on Yahoo's servers (their property).

  5. And YAHOO"S ANSWER BEHIND DOOR NUMBER 2......  "NO THANKS" - but we are happy greatfull for your further input and advice. Continue to post on this site in complaints to give us lots of money in advertising and thank you for using yahoo answers service

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