
Would yo be willing to drink your pee if it had extreme health benefits?

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I have bgeen researching the benefits of "Urinology" on line and it's acually extremely good for you, even claiming to cure acne, psoriisis and cancer!

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  1. ew..thats gross

  2. thats a tough  question...............


  4. i can not think a single reason why someone want to drink his or her own urine .

    there is so so may  other conventional medicine,natural medicine.........  

    why your pee???

    you have to be mentally sick very sick to do that.

    if you find out your pop is good for you. are you going to eat that?


  5. I would. But it doesn't really have any benefits by drinking it. My theory is that those "urinologists" are just perverts who try to make excuses.

  6. Rubbish, it is your own body waste water, so it is full of the stuff your body is eliminating. It has been through your system. Therefore it can't cure cancer the second time through you.

  7. Couldn't bring myself to do it....


  8. No!  The only way I'm going to drink my own urnine is for survival purposes only.  There's other ways to cure cancer and psorisis.  Have you heard of Kemo treatments?

    There might be some health benefits to it, but again there's other ways.

  9. i though it was sterile when it is in the body, but not when it gets exposed.

  10. Yes, it's supposed to be sterile anyway.

  11. Its not safe to drink at all!! My biology teacher researched to find out its actuly the most poisnous thing that comes out of our body!! That's why if you've seen the survivor show on Discovery Channel, the guy doesn't drink his urine. But they use urine in SOME lotions, it actually makes you skin soft!!...i would know lol[[it invloved an emergeny to urine in a freeway, and a cup lol]]

  12. if they made it taste good

  13. if it gave me superpowers ie- i can fly or turn invisible or could grow a big dong then maybe

  14. I can drink my own pee/s***n by the pint (well not pint for s***n unless I saved a weeks worth )and I don't mind doing it, but I wouldn't consume anyone elses.

    Pee wouldn't be good to consume though it's bad waste, s***n I believe is okay to consume.

    I've tasted both, I don't mind my own s***n, everyone always says eww, when you mention it but I think it's okay.

  15. nope never

  16. cure acne, eh? I might be willing to drink it, if I had access to mouthwash afterwards.

  17. maybe, then have chocolate milk or something straight after to take the taste away, but id rather stay unhealthy tbh

  18. No .... i was watching something on t.v about 2 people got stuck in a desert and drank there own pee ... and then they got very sick :S ...

    so no i woulden

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