
Would you, Or have you ever risked your own?

by  |  earlier

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Life , while trying to save a complete stranger?......

I have, and would, in a heartbeat.




  1. Last summer while visiting the Queen Charlotte Islands we came across a baby seal that had been abandoned by its mom. She had put it on shore to feed at sea but did not realize it was right in the middle of a tourist trail walk. By the time we found it the poor little thing was looking rough and had been their a  few days. We found the fish hatchery and oceans ranger ( not a small task that)  and we took him back out there and my hubby and he carried the little guy back to be flown off the next day to a seal rescue site. Had we not done this he would have died for sure because the birds were already pecking at him.

  2. I'm the same way too, I saw a rabbit in the middle of the road that had been hit. It was still alive, trying to get up. I stopped and tried to help him but his back was broken. He went crazy, didn't want me to touch him. I had to leave him. I even stop for turtles crossing the road and help them across. I live out in the country so I see a lot of turtles in the road. Not a lot of people will stop, they just drive around them.

  3. Yeah probably. I wouldn't leave a hopeless little animal to die. So that's really nice that you saved a Husky. (:

  4. I've been known to jump in the middle to stop two men from killing each other...I was around 110 lbs at the time.  Totally insane, lucky i was not killed, worked out ok.

  5. I think it's instinctive in most who have heart.....

  6. I never had to make that choice, so I really can't say.

  7. My honest answer I don't know- good question have a star.

  8. I agree with others... for a human, yes. An animal, no. I do think you were a bit over the top to risk your life for that.

  9. If it was a beautiful White Angel.  

  10. Not a stranger but my six year old, he wandered off a ways while we were watching his bros little league game. I looked around and saw him up on the railroad track, there was  a train coming engineer blowing the horn, that child had his back to the oncoming train didn't hear it because of all the cheering and yelling for the game, I jumped off the bleachers, ran like h--- ran onto the tracks, grabbed him by the shirt and jumped, just as the engine reached us.  It was a pretty good roll down the slight embankment.  I would have died trying to save him, without a doubt.

  11. I would. The opportunity hasn't presented itself yet.

    I am proud that you have had, and did. Congratulations on being a caring person.

  12. Yes, I have done that but I was paid well for it. The few times I gave CPR were not successful since they were too far gone or had way too much of a drug in them. When the heart started being, the drugs just killed them faster.

    Been in a few fires to check for kids but thankfully none were inside. Have gotten a few out of vehicles from accidents but they likely would have been ok without my help since our fire dept. is the best and very quick on arrival times.

    Might have been some other times but I really cant recall. I cant remember what most of my ribbons or commendations were for. Wished I would have wrote it down. Then again, I was paid well for any of this .

  13. Yes I have, and would again but not for an animal.  A human being yes.

    Sorry but what you did was plain stupid,  You could have left a grieving family behind.  

  14. it wasn't a life just injury and my dog was at fault. In the days long ago when you were not required to have your dog on a lead I took my dog with me when I went shopping in the city as we were travelling by bicycle and he loved the exercise and had good road sense. As we were walking through the open mall and he was good----- healing really close--- another person appeared at a distance with 2 dogs on leads and my dog just went in with no good intentions. My calling him brought no response . I got to the confrontation quickly and  went directly into the middle using my bicycle to isolate my dog from the others. The moment I had his attention he obeyed and we were on our way . A person watching came up to me and commented that I had been brave just getting in the middle. I was still getting over the adrenalin rush of my dog being so bad as he could have caused injuries....or could have been injured.

  15. There was a woman in an accident on an exit from the interstate. I placed my car behind her so that no one else could run over her, & put my coat over her for shock. Other people then pulled over to help. This was before everyone had cell phones. I don't know if this qualifies.

  16. I once imagined that I was saving a beautiful damsel from a burning motel room as I broke down the door only to find the room unoccupied!

  17. Yes - I had to run into a road once to go to the aid of a young woman who had just been knocked 6ft in the air off of her motorbike when a car hit her.  The motorbike ended up underneath the car but the driver still tried to drive away.  I stopped the car and someone else grabbed the driver while I ran to the aid of the young woman in a crumpled heap on the road.  Cars were driving around her and the other car and not stopping!  I couldn't move her and was very grateful when other people came to help to stop the traffic.  She was in a terrible mess, but thank goodness she had proper leathers on or it could have been a lot worse. I always remember she had had the most beautifully manicured fingernails but every one of them were broken from the impact when she hit the ground.  I stayed with her until the ambulance and police arrived.

    I haven't been in a situation like that since then but if I was I would do whatever I could to help.

  18. Hi Resi!

    This one got me talked about for years!!!

    I moved the tarantulas across the road so they would not get hit by drivers!!! Honest!!!

  19.     If you want to hear this, it happen a long time ago, in a land full of turmoil and death.

        We were going into a village, the Cong were ahead of us, we could see them at times. They put the thirty or so villagers, most women and children in the local school house and locked it, than set it afire to slow us down. There were about thirty of us scattered about.

          The school house was ablaze when we got there, we broke down the doors and started to bring out the people, the kids were screaming, we run in grabbing kids, I grabbed them carrying one, pulling two, they were screaming. I was crying, the other guys were crying, we were getting shot at by the Cong in the brush line.

          All did not make it. I sat and cried, I lived with that for years. We're suppose to forgive you enemy ? how do you do that? we were trying to save their own people that they were killing, they were trying to kill us for that, we did save most of them for that.


  20. I think alot us would do it before we thought what we are doing its not like  I say Iam going to save the world today its just an impulse if we seen someone in danger we would do it and think latter I really don't know Ive never had that happen but I would hope I would help anyone.

  21. sorry not for a animal but yes I would for a human being

  22. Yes yes yes.  I love you for what you did for the husky. I would have done that too without thinking.  God bless  

  23. While was on holiday in Malta a huge wave took a man into the sea . He was face down and swirling close enough to the rocks where I was . It was instinct and a calculated  guess that  I could  grab his shirt and pull him out, before the next big wave  came along. lot`s of  other people  were there but only I seemed to have  the instinct to do something. Glad I did.

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