
Would you Americans pay $2 a litre of gas , we do in the UK.?

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Would you Americans pay $2 a litre of gas , we do in the UK.?




  1. Yes, but we would def. have to cut our fuel consumption (No More SUV's!), our country would also be far more supporting of mass-transit than at the present.

  2. NO, at 7.56 a gallon (2x3.78) that ridiculous. I feel a little sorry for you, but vacant soul is right you guys don't have as far to travel to other parts of your country. But look at this the oil country only pay  15 to 20 US cents for a gallon of gas.

  3. we do not go by litres so i can not answer your questions. i just paid $2.64 a gallon.

  4. The last couple of days it was $2.73 a gallon.  We like to car pool around here.

  5. I'll stick with ethanol. I prefer the money I spend on fuel to stay in this country.

  6. If we had to, I guess we would.  But we wouldn't be happy about it.

  7. a vancant soul if not for uk we would have been speaking french....and in the big cities it's like $3.05 or more depends on the gas station or the owner

  8. WEll first off the united kingdom is smaller than some of the states over here you don't drive nearly as much or as far to work.  YOu can reasonably get most places you all need to go on a bike.  SO would we pay that much yes we would have too.  DO we care that you have too no we don't.  AS a side note stop bitching about the US if it wasn't for us you all would be speaking German.........

  9. If that happened in the US the entire country would probably shut down.

    In the US everything is far apart. Work and just basic things are far away. To get a gallon of milk you have to get into the car. Much has to do with bad planning and it is still going strong. Near where I live they are building miles and miles of houses, apartments etc. but not a single store for 5 miles. Part as well is americans have this certain idea of a stigma if one uses public transportation. Plus the manner in which everything is built nothing is pedestrian freindly.

    The last time I was in the UK I stayed in a village for 5 months. Across from my apartment was a convienience store, and 3 minutes away was a Tesco (grocery store for americans). Some takeaways, hair salon, a butcher, dry cleaners and 4 pubs. The small library was a whopping 10 minutes away. All in a small village.

    To get to the train stop was a 10 minute walk. 20-25 minutes by train and you are in the center of the nearest city with all of shops and markets one could ever need.

    Much has to do with culture in the US. Many people don't even know who their neighbor is. In the UK people tend to go to the local pub and people, your neighbors and all walks of life are there.

    To answer, prying the right of cheap gas and a car out of American hands will happen when h**l freezes over.

  10. i probably would because we depend on our cars so much.

  11. It is not a matter of choice, it is a matter of need. No one wants to spend that kind of money, but they need it.

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