
Would you Sterolize Your Son/Daughter with Down Syndrome once they reached a reproductive age?

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Would you have Your Son/Daughter sterolized once they reached puberty in order to prevent them reproducing?or would you consider letting them have children some day?Your Son/Daughter are depedent on you for everything.




  1. Thats FKN sick!

    What are you a n**i???

  2. No, I would not.  They should have the right just like everyone else, should they choose to do so.

  3. After working with a girl who had Downs and was very low functioning, meaning dependent upon her caregivers for everything, who became pregnant after being raped by an employee at her day center, I would have to say yes.  She didn't know what had happened to her, she didn't realize there was a child in her womb, she couldn't even comprehend that she had a womb.  Her parents made the decision to abort the child even though there was a chance the baby would be born with no disabilities, they could not conceive of their daughter going through a full pregnancy without understanding what was going on with her body.  They had her sterilized as soon after the abortion as possible.  An upside for this particular girl, she ceased having periods which for her lasted 10 to 14 days with more then half of them heavy and extremely painful, she was often bedridden for days.  After the sterilization she was able to get out and do more things without having to worry about leaking through or having issues related to menstruation.

    Anybody can be raped people, just because you choose not to be in a situation where you could have children does not mean that someone else will not choose FOR you.

    Also sterilizing this girl made her quality of life BETTER, she was so low functioning that she could not use words to tell us what she wanted, but living period free for the rest of her life made her HAPPIER.  Shouldn't that be our goal?

  4. nope. but if i had a daughter she would be on depo-provera.

  5. First of all, you spelled "sterolize" wrong-- it's spelled "sterilize"  ;)  

    And I don't like the way you worded this question, "Would you consider "letting" them have children someday". Everyone in the world is different, but we're all equal.  And sterilization isn't just about making them unable to have kids. It's about taking away their rights. Disabled people are still people. And most people with Downs aren't capable of having a mature, adult relationship (like marriage), and thus, wouldn't have kids anyway. So if they're never going to be in a situation where they can have kids, why go through the inhumane task of sterilizing them?

  6. h**l no !!!!!!

    We disabled have rights too!

  7. If they are dependent on you for everything then you should be supervising them enough to know they are not having s*x. However I might consider getting my daughter Norplant/Mirena to be safe if she was living in a group home or spent a lot of time at a sheltered employment etc. where I was not supervising her and they had underpaid non-professionals facilitating her activities who could not possibly watch everyone all the time.

    For a son - I might talk to him about having a vasectomy. The people with Downs I have known were extra friendly and affectionate and I suppose that might mean even a boy/ young man would be susceptible to someone wanting a sexual relationship with him or taking advantage.

  8. A child with down syndrome cant reproduce anyway... there is something missing in the genetic makeup to let them have children... A down syndrome child is not a reject they can go and have happy productive lives and get married and what not... No sterilization isnt the problem or solution...

  9. Wow... that's a really interesting situation/question...

    I believe that God allows even something like Downs for a reason and that if I did have a child with Downs, it would be their decision to have children. I would be able to help them with whatever they need for their child, but I feel it would be playing God to allow parents to decide, based on certain criterea, if THEY will sterilize their child. That is a little too invasive and creepy to me...

  10. I work with MRDD adults so I understand why you feel the need to address this issue.  Legally I'm not sure you can force the surgery on her, but that may also have to do with guardianship.  I'm asuming your daughter might still be too young to reproduce, but I would wait it out.  Find out your options in your state, but wait to see how receptive your daughter to this option and if she is able to make the decision on her own.  Is she able to understand s*x and pregnancy?  Do you feel she would become sexually active at some point?

  11. Kids with DS are naturally infertile.

  12. Thats is a tough one. I would have to think about that one for awhile. If they were dependent one me for evrything, and depending on how severe then I  probably would, but who knows until they are in that postion.

  13. no I would never I would want grandchildren even if i would have to help them.I would help in any way possible,and they are humans with feelings they are not cats or dogs you take to get spayed or neutered!!!!.

  14. No

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