
Would you abort your unborn child...?

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I was online today and I came across a very disturbing article about abortion. One of the questions that the article focused on was "If your baby was homosexual, would you still be pro-life?" The question was directed toward pro-life Christians. Let me just say, that I am strongly pro-life and a Christian, but I was horrified that someone would think that I would abort my baby if it was g*y. This raised many other questions in my head: Would someone really do that? Would someone abort a baby with a mental illness or handicap?

The thought of it really scared me. I believe that the issue of abortion is not a religious one. I believe that, regardless of religion, race, s*x, sexual orientation, background, handicap or mental illness, or stage of development, we should all love each other because we are all humans and no one is better than the other. I am not better than a man, a L*****n, an atheist, or an unborn fetus. We are all equals. No one's life is better than the others, even though the circumstances may seem so.

So, my question to you is this:

Would you abort your unborn child if it was homosexual, had a handicap or mental illness, or etc?

Anyone answer.




  1. I would only abort my child if ... having the baby in me will harm my health/ life ... or ... if the baby is already known to be extremely sick and will die inside me.  Well, nature takes care of these issues really so I don't have to worry... if your body rejects the baby usually it is because the baby is a harm to you or you are a harm to the baby.  God has it all figured out.   Oh and Homosexual ism ... i believe is a learned trait....... train up a child....

    ok but as you said for this question we are to consider it as hereditary ... so given that in this case I or my hubby are homosexuals we would totally love our homosexual baby... so not to abort!  

    Now if God gives me a child with a handicap, I am sure that I can handle it.... or even a mental illness... so no

  2. I don't think anyone could honestly say they would make the personal choice of whether to abort or not until confronted with it.

    That said, if my life were in danger, or it was likely that the fetus had a severe life-altering deformity or mental illness, I'd consider it.

    There is no way to tell if a fetus has homosexual tendencies, but if there were, my personal choice would not be to abort on those circumstances alone.

    Financial stability, overall mental and emotional maturation, and general readiness to be a parent would always be the factors I'd weigh when faced with a pregnancy. Religion would have nothing to do with it.

  3. If the mother can detect that the foetus is defective, then the baby will be aborted naturally. The majority don't have the time, wealth, resources, patience, or ability, to look after a child with special needs. If a science can be used, to detect a disability, like the mother can, but more scientifically; why not abort the child? To many families, carrying on the family name is important, but don't have the money to spend on a child who won't pass on the name, because he's homosexual. As far as abortions based purely on gender, I disagree with it in concept, but when profoundly examined could determine that the family have three children of one gender, and none of another. They may want the son or daughter, but only have children of the other gender. They might not be able to afford indeterminate amounts of children, until the one of the desired gender is born. If families have a certain amount of children and cannot afford more, then I can see abortion as a viable option. Likewise aborting an unwanted child is better than resenting the child for their birth.  

  4. Definitely not! It is still God's child. Murder is much worse than homosexuality.

  5. That would be a TERRIBLE reason to terminate a pregnancy.  Yet, there are people who have terminated pregnancies because the child would be biracial, and even jokes said about the topic. Disgusting attitude of you ask me.

    FTR the answer for me is no. I had to face an unintended pregnancy 23 years ago, and I chose to place for adoption. My son and I have now been reunited though, and it all worked out for the best.

  6. NO, I would not abort a baby for being homosexual or having a mental illness.

    Now, if a child had a serious condition (such as organs on the outside of the body), I probably would have an abortion because a child like that will only survive for several hours after being born.

    So typically, NO, I would not abort my child, but if the child will die shortly after being born anyway, it would be pointless to go through labor and have to go through the pain of losing them.

  7. never. everyone needs a chance to live whether they can't understand anything or not.  

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