
Would you accept a job in your field if it payed way less than you currently make but it was for a purpose?

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I have been offered the job of church preschool teacher. It works out that I can do both my current job and this. However, at the new job I will get payed signficantly less. Would you get payed less than you normally would accept for a higher purpose?




  1. Actually, I did accept a  job that pays less for two reasons:  the first being job security, and the second being that I wanted to work in a program that was providing a seriously needed social service (Head Start) and the new position put me in that program.  I don't regret making the change.  I'm secure in my new position and I have the reward of knowing without a doubt that I'm helping people.

  2. If I knew that I could still support myself and my family, I would. I would be willing to go without "wants" (Direct TV, Movies at the theater every week, ect) If I could have a job I would truly love doing.  I am currently employed at a job that pays less than what I'd like, and that I don't really like. But I am keeping that job since it works so well with my son's school schedule, and I can take off time if he is sick, or I need to go to his play, or soccer games. To me, the money isn't important. Being able to spend time with my son is.

    Figure out what is important to you, and base your decision on that, not the money

  3. If it works for you and your family yes. I left a full time, well-paying and highly respected career to work part time at our church (for a very low rate of pay I might add). It's a great bunch of people, very flexible and while I miss the money and it means I have to be more careful about what I spend it's ultimately a better environment for me - and my kids have a happy mom!!! Plus, everyone's a parent too so when a kid gets sick or my car breaks down or I just can't get to work on time no one's hassling me! There's way more to life than money! You take none of it with you when you go!!!!!

  4. I'm doing that right now. :)  I am also a preschool teacher at a Christian Preschool / Daycare. I would be making between $2-3 per hour more anywhere else. I'm staying where I am for many reasons. 1. The atmosphere (God is present). 2. My daughter is happy there, and I know she is well cared for. 3. Money isn't everything. Does it really matter how much money you are making if you don't like your job?

  5. Yea. It could be good for your records and will look good on your resume.

    Cashtown University: Teaching you the best ways to increase your cashflow!

  6. You don't go into teaching for the money. If you can make ends meets with the lower salary then go for it, if you feel like this is what you have been called to do.

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