I know its early to be thinking about these things, but i've always considered adoption even when I was really young. anyways lets say, you are from an affluent family, you parents, your grandparents, great grandparents, e.t.c have always been wealthy and you are the only male in the family. You are the one who is supposed to carry on the legacy. Now your parents, and everyone else is expecting you to marry a nice girl and have your own biological children so that they can maintain the blood and so that eventually the children will take over after you die. So would you ever consider adopting a child as your first child. This would mean that the child, who isn't blood related would eventually inherit most of the family's wealth. Would you still do it? knowing that the family would not really be too happy with it??
I've thought about having a biological child first, then adopting but nowing my family, I know that the biological child would be the favorite and would receive most of