
Would you adopt a child why or why not?!!?!?!?!?

by Guest56250  |  earlier

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Would you adopt a child why or why not?!!?!?!?!?




  1. We plan to adopt from foster care in a few years.

    We want to adopt a set of siblings(2 or 3, but 4 at the most). We'd like to give children without parents who love them, a loving caring home, where they can stay together.

    We have pleanty of love for a dozen or more children, but don't feel that bringing that many children into a world with so many children in it who already need loving parents, is the right thing to do.

    We also plan on adopting a baby girl or two from China when a couple of our kids have went out on their own. I'll only be 37 when my son goes to college, and you have to be 35 to adopt from China, so I figure that's the perfect time to start preparing to adopt again.

  2. No, I wouldn't.  To me, raising someone else's child would be like having an affair with a married man.  Loving someone that belongs to someone else.

    Besides, I was raised by someone else's parents, so having my own children was THE only option.

  3. Yes, I would. I am kind of person who could love a child with my full self despite if it came from me or not.  I do not have the money to do it, but there are a lot of children that need a good loving home.

  4. Yes I would both adopt children and have my own. I would love them each as much as the others whether they're adopted or not. Many children in this world really do it tough with no parents there to comfort them and giving them a loving family and home can make the world of difference. I want a large family (10 or more) and what could be better than helping out an orphaned child in the process?

  5. I feel exactly how grapesgum does... tough question.

    My husband and I do occasionally talk about adopting an older child from foster care in the future. But foster care adoption is the only form I'd consider... I couldn't live with myself if I adopted a young child from the U.S. or abroad... I'd be constantly worried that the mom had relinquished her child under pressure.

    For now, my heart is in adoption reform, in trying to reduce the need for adoptions.

  6. yes because I want to

  7. yes, becuase i feel guilty that the haven't any homes while I have one.

  8. Whats with the millions of question and exclamation marks ... ?!??!?!?!?!

    If I couldn't have my own kid then I would.

    If not ... probably not. But who knows really. I could get the desire to.

  9. I would adopt a child ( but im 2 young ) because its not fair that  their own mothers just give birth 2 'em and then abandon them!!

  10. Absolutely! I was adopted at age four. I was so fortunate to have that second chance! I was placed on a road of oppurtunity I may not have had before. In fact who knows if I would even still be alive with out my adoptive parents love.

    I personally would adopt in hopes to make the same positive difference in another little ones life. What an awesome thing!

    I would say this though..there are definitely ups and downs to adopting a child. It takes alot of strength and is not for everyone.  An adoption counsler would better help you determine if it was right for you.

  11. Well I'd like a little black baby.

    Why is everybody giving me the thumbs down.  I would like a little black baby.  Is that so wrong!

  12. I have two biological teenage boys.  I adopted a newborn who now is 9 mos old.  She is the joy in all our lives.  Adoptin is a wonderful thing!  I had to give birth to the two boys, but I chose this little princess for my life!

  13. Yes of course and I hope to one day adopted.

    As far as why.  Why not when there are so many children out there that need a loving home. If I can give a loving  stable home to a few I will.. Plus I’m adopted so I am one of those kids that needed a loving home, I got one but many children do not. If I can give what I got to some other fellow adoptees  it’ll be great.

  14. I would love to adopt a child. All my life all I could think about doing is having kids, so my goal is to have my own and also adopt.

  15. Yes but only if I could not have one of my own.  And I would adopt from the US.  We have a lot children right here in the US that needs good home.

    However like Angelina, I would adopt a different skin tone child from myself.

  16. At this point in my life - no.

    My husband and I have 2 biological children, and we're not looking to increase the size of our family.

    If we hadn't been able to have children of our own, I might have considered adoption then.

  17. no, never sure how the child will fit in with my family.  Presume  there would be inherited problems.

  18. Yes. I find it pointless for some women to have children when there are plenty of children that could fill that void in a couples life without them actually conceiving.

  19. Definitely!

    I am 33 years old and it took my bf and I almost 8 years to get pregnant.  I always dreamed of having a big family like 5-6 kids,  but it didn't seem even 1 was going to happen.

    I am 20 weeks along now and everything is going well, but adoption is still not out of the picture.

    And I would adopt locally, there are plenty of kids in America needing a family.  You do not need to go across the world to adopt.

  20. At one point I wanted to, until l found out you cant give them back.(LONG STORY?SHORT)

    Couple adopts boy, boy makes trouble, goes to jail, comes back home, and they don't want him.

  21. yes, even though i have my own daughter, my husband and i want to adopt because there are so many children who need a loving home and deserve loving parents.

  22. No I would not because I am quite young now and have 1 son already.  I really enjoyed pregnancy and even giving birth.  It was a great experience that I would do again.  But if i was unable to have another child I would just be happy with my son.  But I admire people who can adopt.

  23. Yes, I would adopt- even if I already had my own kids. There are a lot of children out there without parents.

  24. Yes I would,

    I was adopted and I'm very grateful for it,

    My mother was on drugs when she was pregnant with me and she dropped my off at the hospital no questions asked (safe haven law) and I was places with my parents! I would definitely adopt a child if I were financially stable its a wonderful thing most of the time!

  25. yes i would i have 3 kids of my own and i cannot have anymore but if i couldnt have atleast one i would love too i love kids......

  26. That is a tough question for me.  When I was younger, I thought that it would be a great thing to adopt a child who had no one to care for him/her.  Now that I am older (sigh), I am more inclined to (and actually do) support programs that help to prevent the need for adoption.

    That said, I have deep admiration for people who adopt orphans and children in foster care who are in need of loving arms and open hearts.  I have even more admiration for people who sponsor families in need.  I guess it comes from being raised by ultra-liberal parents!

  27. I did adopt a baby because my wife and I couldn't have a biological child.  We love our child just as much as we would a biological child.

  28. Hey there, Yes I will adopt a child. Why because I have diabetes and at the moment my husband and I want to start a family, but is not possible know with my diabetes. So I wil adopt a baby know

  29. No i wouldn't ever adopt a child. I would offer my home to a woman who wanted to keep her baby, i would adopt a mother so she had a secure place to stay and be nurtured while she parented her own child.

    I would offer my home to foster children who really need stability. I would legally guardian a child who needed stability w/out erasing who they were before they came to me, w/out having their records sealed, w/out trying to replace their parents no matter how good or bad they were. I would recognize my position in the childs life as a replacement caretaker. I can offer them all of the love I could give a child, but love them for who they are in the process, honor who they are, work together and provide them stability from that approach. Facts are facts, if we have bad parents, it doesn't do any good to lie to us about that and try to cover it up or erase the past.

    Honesty is always the best policy.

    I would sponsor an entire family in a third world country ( which is far less than the cost of an adoption ) before I would ever remove a child from their native land who's mother most likely surrendered due to poverty.

  30. Of course! Children all deserve a loving, safe home to go to where people really want them and are willing to give them what they need to survive. All children are a blessing and should be treated as such.

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