
Would you adopt a teenager?

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I am considering adopting a teenager (around 15 years old). A few of my friends think this is a bad idea as a teen would be much harder to rehabilitate. However I think teens have just as much right to a family as a younger child. What do you think on this issue? Would you adopt a teen?




  1. I LOVE YOU!!!!!  I agree you are SO RIGHT. Teens have every right to a loving home as a baby does.  Yes it could be hard OR it could be fun and the most rewarding thing you will ever do.  I say go for it.  More power too you.  Why can't more people think like you.  I have always wanted to be a foster parent myself I would not care the age.

    It is like the older dogs at the pound they are always over looked because of peoples ignorance.  They think an order dog to be loyal.  And that you need to get it as a puppy and raise it your way.  You know what you can teach and old dog new tricks.  Most of the time the older dogs are the better ones. They are always grateful for what you have done for them.

  2. I don't know if you could rehabilitate your teenager, but you might try reprogramming.  I hear that works well for us dangerous criminal type adoptees.

    I mean, WTF??  REHABILITATE???

  3. i think that it would be much hard tan adopting a baby because they dont really nw know you, but if you want to try with a teenager it might work i dont really know but good luck.

  4. I think adopting a teenager is a very noble thing to do.  We would consider it if we had no other children.  However, because we do have small children we would not-unfortunately you don't know where that teen comes from or what kind of problems they have and we would not want to find out the hard way in a way that could compromise the safety and health of our children.

    Still, if you think it's the right thing for you then go for it!  It's a very great of you.

  5. I think it's a wonderful thing to adopt a child of any age. You're right that teens have just as much right to a loving family as anyone. I think in some ways it would be difficult to adopt a teen because they do have their routine already - but there are also many positive things which come with adopting an older child.

    I personally wouldn't think it'd be a good idea for my family to adopt a teenager - but if it works for you I think it's a great thing to do. Very admirable.

  6. Its great that you want to adopt a teen because you are giving them a chance to have a home for a few more years. Once they get to be 18 in foster care, they are turned out. By adopting a teen you may be preventing them from being on the street and you can provide emotional care and support for them when they may need the most. Many people adopt babies but its often the teens who are overlooked. Good for you!

  7. I would adopt a teen if they were a good fit and wanted to be adopted.  "harder to rehabilitate"?  What makes your friends think they are criminals?  Jeez.

  8. Good for YOU !!!

    The cute brand new baby is the norm but there are so many children that need a stable home at all ages !!

    I wish I could too :-)

  9. It depends some teens in waiting to be. adopted are troubled from all the hassle but if you really want to go head but you should interview them first

  10. Good for you, you seem to have a big heart.

    One thing to think about -- see if the adoption agency will let you foster the child first. This will give you and the teen a chance to bond (or not). Both of you know that it might be temporary thing that could become permanent.

    Even if it doesn't work out you've given the child a chance for a loving home for as long as it lasts.

  11. I think you should adopt the teen. But first, are you married? Do you have a stable living situation? Are there good schools around your area? Do you know of anyone that age that could possibly be a friend to the teen? You might want to look into family counseling, if you adopt the teen, because teens can be really hard to deal with sometimes! So it's always a good idea to have someone help you with that.

  12. I knew a family that adopted a 16 year old teenage daughter and they had so many problems with her they had to give her back. Don't be scared off by that. Just know there are risks. It depends on how the child was brought up. Talk to an adoption agency to see if there is anyone in need of a home. I think it's a great idea but I might be harder then you think. Good Luck though!

  13. I might adopt a teenager if I had no other young children in the family and could give the adoptee all of the individual attention that he/she needs.  Teens in the foster care system have really had some rough times, as a general statement, and may have some very specific needs.  

    Like any adoption, consider the unique needs of the child and be sure you are able to fullfill them.

  14. I think its great wanting to adopt a teen as they need a secure and loving home as much as a younger child and they sadly do get forgotten as people want younger children. Teenagers can still benefit from the love and guidence you can give them.

    Go for it !

  15. Go for it!

    Adoption isn't easy and it's hard work, but there is no greater reward than the love of a child!

    Good Luck!!

  16. Actually, my future plan is to get a job in the medical feild as an assistant, and be a foster mother for teenagers. I think that it is a strong move and I fully support your decision. Perhaps you should meet her first and see what she's like if you are unsure.

    Go you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I would adopt a teen, everyone one figure's "well their gonna be 18 soon" so what does that matter they would like a family too. And I think it's great you want to adopt a teen. Plenty of people will adopt littler kids but what about the older ones.

  18. If you're up for the challenge, go for it.  A couple of years of very hard work would make a huge difference in the life of that child and for the world.

    Balance the decision based on your family's needs as well as the teen's needs.  If you have children already in the house, how will the added stress affect them?

    Good luck.

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