
Would you adopt your child out if?

by  |  earlier

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You had cancer, no way to support yourself, no family, in a bad relationship and are being evicted?




  1. Yes. Because the child probably deserves a better mother than me if I have cancer, no family, no way to support him/her. So I would rather give him/her up than suffer.

  2. just have a famyly member  care for him

  3. I place the welfare of the kids first, always. If I was unable to properly care for them I would ensure that a family member did.

  4. I wouldn't put my child up for adoption by just anyone, because I know that there are abusive families out there, and I wouldn't risk my child ending up with one of them. I also wouldn't keep the child with me if I knew I couldn't care for him/her.

    Fortunately, I already know (I've actually talked about this thing with them over the course of my life) that my parents would gladly and joyfully adopt my child, and I can't imagine a better home for my child.

  5. The well being of your child should always come first.  I would try to place the child with someone I trusted.  If that was not possible, I would try to have an open adoption so that I could keep in contact with my child.

  6. Yes. Give the child the life that you always wanted. Get an open adoption so that you choose the parents and you can still see the child grow up and mature.

    I agree with the person above me too. Give them to a grandparent or aunt or uncle or something first!!

  7. i would

  8. im really sorry to hear you have cancer . i would do what i have to do to make my child have the life they deserve and if that means puttin up for adoption then yes i would and in your situation i would until i have my life back on track at least

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