
Would you agree that 'political correctness' is like a religion?

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"Political correctness certainly has most of the elements of religion. First, it involves moralising. Second, it involves ( in the case of multiculturalism ) the repetition of the same words over and over."

I came across this site while doing some research (from the conclusion 17)

Would it be a fair comparison?




  1. No it has all the hallmarks of totalitarianism . It brooks no interference , assumes it is always right , It uses the law to castrate anybody who dares appose it , It followes the smallest offence with a zombie like fixation to punish in case somebody gets the idea they can infringe its rules . It moralises from its own idea of what is right . the instigator of the rules it makes are always tin pot nobodies and there names and position are almost never mentioned. They are always in an unelected  position . They always take the moral high ground . Stalin would be proud of them

  2. Absolutely.  It even includes the body counts that religions are famous for.

  3. I don't think so, but who speaks for those who are offended by the easily offended??

  4. Great website Croxx thanks : )  

  5. Personally, I think that PC is more akin to a cancer on our society.

    It has grown tentacles and essentially invaded our freedom to debate or even discuss any sensitive or controversial issue that might in some way allegedly offend someone - anyone - in any way, and thus label the speaker as hateful, bigoted or worse.  

  6. Yes both are a form of thought control.

  7. Would you prefer political incorrectness?

  8. Yes in so far as the indoctrination is concerned, personally I consider political correctness responsible for many of the problems in our society today.

  9. There's nothing wrong with political correctness, it's when it goes to far that it's ridiculous. I would rather not have people be allowed to go around calling people retards, but I don't give a **** whether "brain storm" might have a slight chance of offending one epileptic person.

  10. Interesting comparison - I like it.

    Most religions tend to have a good and bad, God and Devil, Heaven and h**l. Just wondering where or who the roles are in PC.

    I suppose the Messiah would be Mary Whitehouse for a start :-)

  11. no.

    what being politically correct usually comes down to is being considerate of other people's feelings.

    this is something that i really don't have a problem with.

    as far as you clever analogy is concerned, i don't see it at all (i didn't look at your link and don't have time to).

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