
Would you agree that Hilary and Obama are both electable, however that McCain is not to thanks to Hillary?

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and all of the negative campaigning that she has done?




  1. Hillary, Obama, and McCain are all "electable".

  2. i think she is going to get mccain elected

  3. Actually, if Hillary is successful in tearing down Obama she will help McCain win.  Then that will leave the path free for her to re-enter as a candidate in 2012.  Undermining Obama's candidacy is all she can do now.  She won't go away quietly.  And McCain is already taking advantage of the things others are doing to tear up Obama.  So, even if she wins the nomination, she will lose the general election.  And, it's anyone's guess what will happen to this country in the meantime, but it won't be anything good.

  4. No.

  5. All three are electable, are they would not still be in the race, but to think that Hillary has any influence on McCain electability, is a total joke.

    Like I’ve said many times before,  this latest falsity demonstrates what a rank amateur Hillary Clinton is. It exposes how thoroughly unqualified she is for the office she’s running for.

    I shudder to think what a Hillary Clinton Administration would look like. Remember Janet Reno, Donna Shalala, Robert Reich, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, etc. These were the best and the brightest that President Bill Clinton could come up with. Who do you suppose will be desperate enough to serve in a Hillary Cabinet?

    What self-respecting professional would touch a Hillary Administration with a 10 foot pole? They’d be committing political suicide. Look at the long list of former Clintonistas who had their reputations ruined, their lives destroyed, lost their freedom so they could serve prison time, falling on their swords for the Clintons. Look at the bankrupted friends of Bill & Hillary, their shattered dreams which lay in their wakes. Look at all the actual dead bodies; the suicides, murders, illnesses that caused premature deaths; the carnage is staggering.

    What serious politician would want to serve as Hillary’s Vice President? I bet if she wins, she’ll have to ask some total loser to be her running mate because no one worthy of the job will want to serve with her.

  6. It is exactly the opposite. Neither democrat is electable

  7. Nope. I would disagree completely.

  8. McCain is the only sane, logical choice

  9. i will vote for either hillary or obama, who ever wins that side it my vote.

  10. The reality is that Obama  is not electable

    The same nation who elected Bush twice isn't going to vote for a guy name Barak Hussein Obama

    Rove is going to tear him to shreds

  11. If you flipped everything you said I would agree.

  12. Yes, thank God.

  13. It is not so much that Hilary and Osama are elctable, it more so that they are the only choice, which really sucks.  Don't you worry, McCain is plenty electable......  

    As far as Hilary running a negative campaign, well, that is the Clinton way...

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