
Would you agree that animals are incomparable to humans?

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question inspired by Dr. White (neurosurgeon) known for developing new surgical techniques through the study and experiments on animals.. "not only useful for gaining data, but also have real life saving potential"... in a different paragraph he says, "I cannot except that humans are comparable to animals." - dr.white.

which also raises an eyebrow because if animals don't compare to humans, then why use animals as subjects for a human cause??

i realize that humans don't chuck poo at each other nor roll around in the dirt(normally), but on the other hand, some animals are known to have reason and emotion like we do.... idk, it confuses me too much, i need your clarity....




  1. I agree that animals do not make adequate test subjects in research. In this day and age, the research we do is much more complex and involves the study of the human body, not the monkey or lab rat. It is expensive, wastes the tax payers money, cause unessecary suffering and deaths to many animals, and is basically ineffective. there are many alternatives to animal research that are much more reliable and valid. they are also cheaper. if you want to read more, this is a good article:

  2. We are just another species on the planet..Unfortunately the only ones with an ego.The largest biomass is taken up by insects..We have an identical social structure to ants and Bees,but this must be a coincidence surely?..

  3. Humans are animals. Some consider us the highest form since we're "intelligent", hence the phrase homo sapiens (wise man). But the fact of the matter is, there are animals out there that are capable of intelligence, otherwise man would not use these creatures. They used dolphins and seals in World War II to detect bombs on ships. Many apes are human-like in behavior and genetics. This Dr. White is an a**, whereby he sounds like he is just justifying his reasoning for murdering animals.

  4. actually dr. white must be old because just about every muscle in the cat's body is the same as the human, just differently sizes because one is a quadriped.

  5. animals r like humans cuz they have emotions and humans r like animals cuz they kill people 4 no reason 4 example hitler

  6. monkeys dont have a real life saving potential when it comes to humans in research. a lot of the research they do is the same exact experiments repeated over and over. with the same miserable results.  a lot of these researchers earn money by publishing research results. if they actually took the time to realize that their research is useless, or actually develop a new research experiment to perform on these animals, they would lose money and "pride" in the science world. it is sad and pathetic.

  7. NO i think that animals are comparable to humans! Didn't humans come from monkeys/chims in the first place?

  8. I think he means animals are incomparable to humans in the sense that if he had to choose if an animal or a human would die he'd choose the animal to die. I mean it seems sick that they would use animals, and it does suck, but for hospitals and science to do testing on animals they have strict regulations. They have to take really good care of the animals, and it's sad but it does help us understand how organs work. It lets us see the possibilites of different medicines, in the long run because of animal testing it saves a lot of people's lives. I think if you're going to be angry at group of people for the deaths of animals focus on the meat industry. In the medical feild they use animals to help find answers to save people, the meat industry is just killing animals in sick inhumane ways for no other purpose than to make money.

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