
Would you agree to become a member of a Live Organ Donor Program?

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Would you agree to become a member of a Live Organ Donor Program?




  1. Never.

    I will not donate any of my organs as long as I am alive, and I do not agree to organ donation in the event that there is anything suspicious regarding my death.

    In general principles, I'm opposed to the idea of the physically fit making sacrifices so that the weak and the botched can live longer. That seems stupid to me in an evolutionary sense.

  2. I would if I were in good health,

    *****I also want to take the time here that most people over look(nothing about live donars but deceased)  My daughter passed away 4 years ago in an auto accident.  3 weeks before she died we dicussed organ donations which she was for.  She was trying to get me to put it on my liscense,  When they found her, they did not know the time of death so she could not donate her organs,  We let her become a bone-tissue donar.  It helps people who need a ligament,skin,  a bone,or a  shunt in their heart and many other things.  They said she helped 66 people with her donation to live a better life.  Most people think that donation is just the vital ogans , like the lung and heart, etc.

  3. Yes, I'm saving up vacation time so I can donate a kidney.  The guy who said it was stupid is a complete idiot.  There are many reasons people might need an organ- not all of them have to do with genetic defects you selfish fool.

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