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I believe the following article has a few flaws:*x-a7ad41d.html

They say that men have no right to ogle at womens b*****s yet women have that right to ogle at mens?

I believe that this is wrong because it is totally sexist!

They have missed the vital point that both men and women have "b*****s" - I say this because it is true...

If they were going to ban men from ogling at women's b*****s then the same should have been done vice versa!!!

There is only one difference in women's b*****s from men... and that is they are more... defined...

That is the only difference and that should be taken into account!!!

Who agrees with me?




  1. Seems to me the guy who filmed the other man's chest was invading his privacy, just like if he filmed a woman without her knowledge it would be invading her has nothing to do with who has bigger b*****s...YES...that was sexist...

  2. i totally agree with you daron.  I have no problem with guys looking at my b*****s, never have done in fact. i personally think it is quite a complement that mine are possibly worth looking at!!!  and being in my mid 40's its nice to know that guys still want to have a look - i guess they are still worth looking at!!!  as for ladies looking at guys b*****s then yep, thats me! i always have a look and appreciate a nice well toned pair of pecs. nowt wrong with that my friend, nowt at all.  human nature!  xx

  3. You correct.

    Both sexes will eventually be balanced again, this is nature.

    But it will take time because of all the damage the masoganistic religion has done.

    Both sexes are equal, but both are different. Some laws have to be made for one s*x only, because our society has not evolved sufficiently spiritually.

  4. But men get theirs out in public, so women have no choice other than to look. =D

    I don't know, I think personally b***s are just another part of the body and although I do find it awkward if someone is talking to my b***s and not me it must be as awkward for men.

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