
Would you agree with the proposition?

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That all Ghurkas, past and present, should be granted automatic British citizenship at the end of their service.

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  1. without a doubt, they put their lives on the line for this country

  2. No. Joining the British army for a foreigner is like being a mercenary.

    They and all foreign subjects on joining the British army should be paid the going rate and given a gratuity or pension on leaving the army  based upon that rate depending upon length of service.

    But it should not qualify them for British citizenship except in the most exceptional circumstances.

  3. Yes if they want it but more important a proper regular army pension. Yes it will make the rich in Nepal. So what!

  4. Yes.

  5. Granted.

    Your service has ended.

    You are no more required.


  6. yes and equal pay while serving

  7. Yes they should.

  8. These brave men have fought in many campaigns alongside our own troops . Many have lost their lives keeping UK and the wider world a safer place .

    The very obvious answer is yes they must be allowed citizenship of UK and right NOW

    We let so many undesirables in to Britain yet the powers that be dilly dally over this fine body of men . They should be ashamed at the delay in passing legislation to allow this to happen.

  9. I'd say no, not automatic.

  10. Yes, they should.  But we should also sort out looking after our own ex Serviceman aswell.  I'd never sign up,  there all heroes when there in service, but when they retire does the Government look after them?  You'd have to be a mug to sign up now.

  11. Absolutely definitely.  These men are not mercenaries, they are following in the time-honoured tradition of their countries in serving in the Ghurkas.  Citizenship should be granted, purely as a mark of respect for those who have died and as a mark of our gratitude which can never be expressed highly enough for these brave men.

    More fundamentally, they should have equal pension rights.  Risking their neck for far less money than the home-grown Brits get? Scandalous.

  12. Yes and equal pension rights the same as their fellow soldiers.

  13. Of course if this country is fit to die for it should be fit to live for.

  14. yep, theyre great.

    wish some of our home grown lot were as good at serving Britiain as them

    chavs, go away!

  15. Absolutely.

    (I'm ex-RAF)

  16. I fail to understand how anyone can answer in the negative to this question taking into account that in the ten years since Labour came to power they have issued over 1 million British passports to foreigners like some kind of BOGOF deal, few of which have gone to people who have actually earned the right.

    These men are not mercernaries, if they were they'd be earning a great deal more than the pittance they are currently getting.

    I could serve in the French Foreign Legion for 20 years and be granted French citizenship in recognition of my service to that country.

    The UK only recognises service to the country for those with money or friends in high places. Sad but true.

    One day there may be a politician who has the moral integrity to grant automatic citizenship to the Gurkha's - but I'm not holding my breathe.

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