
Would you allow your 15 year old to watch a rated R movie?

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Would you allow your 15 year old to watch a rated R movie?




  1. Well, yeah.

    I'm 15, and I've been watching R rated movies since I was about 9 or 10.

    But I watch them with my parents.

    And my younger siblings too. (they're 13 and 12)

    But my dad like skips through s*x I guess that's good.

    But yeah, if I had a 15 year old, I'd let them watch one, just so long as I was there.

  2. It's rated R for a reason, so NO.

  3. yeah i am 14 and i am allowed to watch r rated movies.

  4. It depends on the 15 year old and the movie. My parents let me see whatever movie I wanted (As long as it didn't have adult content) when I was 15, as long as it was in their house. So I couldn't see them at the theater. Then when I was almost 16 they let me watch rated R movies at my friends house. I had to grow up fast, so I was mature for my age.

    If the 15 year old is mature, and the movie didn't have lot of s*x scenes than I see no problem with it.

  5. of course!

    i've been watching R rated movies since i was like 12.

    the majority of movies that are R rated are becuz of violence. and if it's sexual then big deal. ur supposed to have a s*x ed class by 14.

  6. I watch some R rated movies and im almost 12.

  7. It honestly depends on the maturity level of your kids, and the movie. Know your kid before you let them watch any kind of R rated thing. is a helpful guide to movies, and it will tell you which ages are appropriate for different shows.

    (I watched a handful of R rated movies when I was 13-15 without very much trouble, but I stayed away from a lot of the violent ones)

  8. yes, if you think you can shelter them from the world you are mistaken. At age 15 a rated R movie is probably not as bad as what they are experiencing at school.  

  9. it depends on the movie and how mature the teen is

  10. it depends what movie. But it doesn't matter because they probably already watch them all the time away from home

  11. I guess it depends on the movie but, generally, I would.

  12. It depends on which 15 year old, which movie and who they are with.

    Cowboy Bebop: The Movie is rated R in the US and there's nothing in it that an average 15 year old would not have already seen elsewhere. I would let them watch it alone if they wanted.

    Akira is also rated R, but I would be more cautious showing that to a 15 year old, because it's more violent, and much more disturbing.

  13. Yes! I mean seriously i started watching R rated movies when i was 7! Im 12 bi the way.

  14. I'm 15, and I usually watch R rated movies.  My parents don't mind because I understand what's going on.  I'd say it should depend pn why the movie is rated R, and how mature your child is.

  15. R means an adult must be present to get into a theater showing, NOT that it's completely wrong for kids to see. Parents need to be there to explain and put things into perspective.

    Grand Theft Auto has swearing, shooting, killing, whores, drugs, mob, gang bangers, would a movie be worse than becoming "part" of that "world" for hours and hours and thinking it's cool...

    Ultimately it is up to the parents and their best discretion.

  16. yeah.

    it definitly depends on how why the movie is rated R.

  17. it depends on how mature they r and what the movie is about

  18. i would.

    even though material may be inappropriate, it is most likely nothing they haven't already seen or heard of before.  

  19. depends on the teenager, or who they will be watching with, and I would defiantly want to see the movie before I let them see it.

  20. Yes. I was watching rated R movies way before I was 15, just not the ones with nudity and stuff.

  21. Depends what kind of movie it is and how mature the 15 year old is.

    xox- Julie

  22. Yeah, it depends on what they are rated R for of course and how mature my 15 year old is. At 12 I was watching R rated movies (as long as my mom watched them with me) because I wad mature for 12.

  23. Yes I watched all sorts of rated R movies when I was a kid from 10 on and I turned out just fine never killed anyone and I stayed a virgin till I was almost 18 and in a relationship.  

  24. I'm allowed to as long as my parents watch it first to see if it's ok.

  25. yes.  how long you going to shelter the kid for?  i can see barring an 8 year old.  

  26. It depends how mature the person is and what the movie is rated R for. I mean I would let my 10 year old brother watch Lost In Translation but I would never let him watch Saving Private Ryan. Most 15 year olds are (hopefully) mature enough to watch an R-rated movie. Basically, if it's R for lots of violence and language, I MIGHT let them watch it. But if it has ultra violence, countless s*x scenes and profuse swearing then not a chance.

  27. I'm around that age and I've five R rated movies.  

  28. It really depends on the movie..and the maturity level of the child. I would let my 15 year old watch an R rated movie. I really do not see the big deal.

  29. Yea im 15 and i watch them whenever i want too. They dont have anything in them that they wouldnt hear at school.

  30. depends on the movie,

    and how mature the kid is.

  31. depends on why it is rated R

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