
Would you allow your son/daughter's step daddy to whoop your child?

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Honestly would you? If you and your baby's father didn't workout and you found another guy how long would it take for you to let him whoop your children? And would you

And if you wouldn't then what would you do if the child did something & you weren't around to whoop it/them?




  1. It depends on how long and how much he has done. Now if he raised the child of is babysitting the child all the time yes but if you just known him for a year of two no. And if the child doesn't respect him a a father or father figure no.

  2. If you married this person, then the two of you are supposed 2 b 1.  If U know he loves your child (children), then yes as long as U can witness the act.  And, as long as it is on the sit down part only.  The bible clearly says "spare not the rod and spoil the child."  There are alot of people who don't believe in spanking a child, I say it's okay 2 spank, not beat, not abuse, but spank.  Children are prescious gifts from God and since He gives them 2 us, we should bring them up by His standards and instructions.

  3. No I wouldnt let someone else whoop my child because I wouldnt whoop my child. I dont believe in that- there are other ways to discipline a child other than hitting them.

  4. No.  There is no comparison between a father & step father.  

    Single mother need to just whoop their own kids.

  5. yes. if i trusted the person as my spouse..he should have ..parental rights..also.  if a child sees the new parent as weak and undermined , it can cause the child / children to disrespect him / her and cause another possible break-up.  of course spanking a child is one thing , Beating a child...will not be tolerated by any parent in their right frame of mind !!

  6. no way its your resonsability.... if the child is naughty wile your not thier the step daddy should make it known that he's done something wrong without hittin them theres plenty of ways to do that without physical contact.... i dont believe you should use physical contact with your child anyway but thats just me but no deffinatly not your new partner

  7. I wouldn't let them. It's not their child and they have no right.

  8. Thats a tough, tough question. I more than likely would not, unless he came into the child's life at an early age and the biological father was no where around. I think discipline especially spanking should be left up to the biological parents if at all possible

  9. I would not let him. I think if i let him woop the child then the child would feel that her step dad is replacing her real dad. And all of the people i know who has a step dad ALWAYS has on their mind that your not my dad dont yell at me touch me or anything. I think if i wasnt around then I would let the step dad to not yell but disiplin the child and send it to his/her room. And when i would get home then i would deal with it .

  10. No.....they may discipline them verbally or give them a time-out.  But if you spank in your household, that should be left to the mother.  Step-parents don't have the same biological connection to a child, and they can easily overstep bounds.  And people's ideas of what is abusive can be different.  You don't want to use your child to find out that a mild spank was considered discipline in your house, but in your DH's family, they were hanging kids out the window by their toes.   Or that you spank with you hand, but in your DH's family, they use a belt and strike to draw blood.  Just look at the often it's the mom's boyfriend or second hubby who has harmed a child.   I don't think very many of those women thought these guys would go so far with the child when they first got involved with them.  It's nice to have a new man in one's life (provided you aren't like me, and married to the same man for 19 years.)  But please put your child's safety before everything.  A man can discipline in other ways than by spanking.  Tell your dh that a time out is good enough, and you'll handle everything else.

  11. nobody is EVER allowed to disapline MY child but me. This isnt the kids dad ..this kid didnt pick this dude to be his dad ..and boinking you doesnt make him ruler of your kid. YOUR role is to protect your child no matter what! Not to leave him with some dude youre sleeping with at the moment.

  12. When my husband and I got together my daughter was 3.  He is the only father she has ever known and yes he punishes her.  When he married me he also married my daughter and telling him she was mine you do not punish her would have been the same as telling him I did not trust him.

    The main thing here is the two of you need to sit down and talk about what you feel are important issues regarding raising a child.  make sure the two of you are on the same page and if not work it out BEFORE the need arises.  If you don't think it is ok for your child to play in the street and you are gone do you want him to allow it just because you aren't home to corect them or do you want him to get the child and inforce the limits you have set?

    As far as spanking a child.  That should be a last resort for both of you.  My daughter is now 16, my husband adopted her many years ago but she respects him and is treated the same as her brothers and sister.  My step-dad was the disciplinarian in our house growing up and to this day I love and respect him for it.

  13. it would depend on the circumstances, am i just going to let some man move in and start disciplining my kids? no,  but my husband has been "dad" since my daughter was 4 (shes 9 now) and hes dad to her  in every way, so sure i expect him to discipline her. but in the case of the real father being involved, and the kids being older it would be a different story.

  14. no of course not

  15. Absolutely not! If my child's father and I split we are still the ones responsible for that child. No other man or woman will be taking over and think its ok to lay their hands on my child. If there is a problem, let me or his dad know and we will take care of it.

  16. i wouldnt let him whoop my child

    iv been there, it really makes the child mad

    it made me think "WTF does this dude think hes doing? hes not my REAL dad, he cant do this!"

    (note: i was never whooped by my step-dad, he just threatned to whoop me)

  17. It depends on what you mean by "whoop".  I think corporal punishment has its place (even though society has degenerated to a point where its a bad thing).  But, if you're not married then the guy shouldn't be touching your kids.  Treat the situation the same as if your children were at a babysitter.  In today's world I would reconsider the decision to leave your children with a man you are dating.

  18. My husband has been in my child's life since he was a baby-technically he isn't his father by blood, but is his father by love. He disciplines all our children the same way ( the other's are his). Yes, he has spanked...all of them. I think that every relationship is to be looked at differently, do you trust this man to not beat your children, to just pop them on the butt?? There are alot of things that you have to take into consideration.

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