
Would you apoligize?

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If ur friend told a guy u liked him, and he said "Ya, I kinda gathered that" and then the next week she told him I didn't like him anymore because I had a bf. After that he was kinda teasing mean. One of my friends said she thought he was hurt. If he always butts in on my conversations, whispers to my friend, and looks at me to see if I'm watching, checks me out, stares at me ALL the time, and tries to make you mad on purpose, and then he said goodbye to everyone but you and said "Allie, I'm not gonna say goodbye to you because I don't like you" And you patted him on the back and said "Feeling's mutual!". Would you apoligize?




  1. Yeah, I'd apologize.  If you don't, there will continue to be bad feelings between you.  Even though he said it first, he probably didn't mean it.  And even if he did, it was a mean thing to say... and two wrongs don't make a right.  So be the bigger person and let him know you're sorry for saying that.  Just say something like, "Ya know the other day when I said 'Feeling's mutual'? Well, I didn't really mean that.  I only said it because it hurt my feelings when you said you didn't like me."  That's all you have to say.  He may apologize, too.  Or he may say "I still don't like you."  But if he does, you don't have to respond to that.  Just leave it go, and you'll feel better about yourself that you did the right thing, whether he does too or not.

    And if the question arises about whether you "like" him like him or not - and if you still have a boyfriend - your answer should be: I have a boyfriend right now, and while I have a boyfriend, I don't think about whether I like any other guys.

  2. wrong section.

  3. Don't pay them any attention.Who cares what section the question is in?He's obviously embarrassed and hurt,i would apologize.

  4. dont listen to them its not in the wrong section not really  anyways i would he must be hurt and embarrased...

  5. nope
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