
Would you argue that an eternal afterlife makes a short-lived mortal life trivial and meaningless...?

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... while a non-existent afterlife makes this mortal life all-important and infinitely significant?

Or would you argue the reverse, that an afterlife proves that what we do in life matters while a non-existent afterlife proves that existence is meaningless?




  1. Yes.

    If an eternal PARADISE does exist, then our lives here are quite meaningless.

  2. Every piece of dust has a meaning

    it's all in the scale.

    There is nothing to have no bigger or less importance, right NOW, right HERE, no matter of any afterlife or none.

  3. not if your actions in this moral life dictate what our afterlife will be like. then this brief glimpse of humanity is priceless in its worth

    and even if there is no afterlife this mortal life would still be priceless to us because it would be all that we have... but overall as meaningless as one grain of sand in all the universe

  4. It depends on whether or not you believe in reincarnation or some other religious concept. If you're an atheist or agnostic, it wouldn't matter.  The theory of reincarnation has to do with believing we are here to learn and live as many lives as it takes to reach your soul's potential.  Most religions believe in an afterlife and not necessarily reincarnation.  I believe all life is precious and we are happiest when we give and receive love.

  5. I have to say that eternal afterlife only makes a short-lived mortal life more meaningful. Each life we live (I believe we live many in different times and places) only teaches us what we need to know to reach enlightenment. We make mistakes in every life and we learn and grow from those lives. Every one takes us one step closer to become better people. Our soul grows from this overcoming turmoil and drama. When we deal poorly with them, letting the pain of life turn us bitter and miserable instead of accepting these hard times and still being grateful for them, that is when we digress from evolution. Then we have to work even harder in our next life. So though it might be short every mortal life is extremely meaningful to our future afterlife.

  6. Firstly I would not argue anything, however I can share my understanding. To me there is no such thing as a short-lived mortal life that is ever trivial and meaningless.  Each life has a purpose and is a part of the whole.  Each life is precious and full of meaning. Eternal afterlife will always be yet life on earth is for a short time and to be truly lived to the fullest. Weather you believe afterlife exists or not, it does not change that each thing you do has an effect so life is never meaningless.

  7. absolutely not, i feel the way in which i live this life will have everything to do with my receiving eternal life (or not)

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