
Would you ask for a cloth from Jesus?

by Guest60811  |  earlier

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Would you ask for a cloth from Jesus?




  1. I asked Jesus for a fur coat I saw in a store window. But He gave it to my best friend. Oh, well.

  2. No thanks, I prefer new clothes.

  3. Well what cloth?  What do you mean?  Why would you need a cloth?  To worship it or what?

  4. yep.

  5. No, I'm good.

  6. I have asked for more than that...once or twice

  7. I think each of us in our own way has taken cloth from the lord and left him humiliated and naked before the world. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but he shed his blood for me knowing I would.

  8. So the hunt is on for these peaces of cloth stripped from Jesus by the Romans. I believe there may be a peace of two left.

  9. If it was a tea towel then yes I would ask.

  10. no....but a picture would be kinda cool!

  11. If he was my bartender and I had spilt a drink, then yes.

    I met a bartender called Jesus in Spain years ago but he usually wiped tables himself

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