
Would you assist someone with suicide?

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Do you think assissted suicide is right? If someone is in terrible chronic pain would it be more merciful to spare them a slow agonizing death?




  1. I don't agree with the Gavorkian ideology.

    However, the Bible does say that when death is imminent, give someone strong drink.

  2. For me personally, unless they had a really REALLY good reason, I would not think of it.

  3. It would depend on the circumstances. If I was the only person in the world that could help them out of their pain, then maybe. But that circumstance is not likely to ever be the case.

  4. not being a sick type of person but if it was like my best friend and they knew they were going to die i would try to make it good for them but prolly help if it didnt count as murder

  5. that's a very sad situation. if the person wants to die it's a terrible thing. no, I would never assist someone with that, as I think that everyone has a life to live. still if they don't want to live it that is their choice. I don't think people who help deserve to be prosecuted.

  6. I wouldn't do that...I just couldn't kill someone.

  7. i dont think you can answer this question in a general sort of way. someone would have to know the situation at the time, and know the circumstances that make them want to desire to commit suicide.

  8. this is such horrific situation...but if the person has his head separated and still breathing...probably...i'll do it...

  9. there are doctors legally assit in this case in Sweden or in some EU countries ,in many condition ,specially no relatives to objection.

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