
Would you audition for BB? I heard its a pretty grueling process?

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Whats the pros & cons of big brother




  1. I would rather sit in comfort of my own home and slag the wannabes off!

  2. My sister and mum auditioned loll

    They got to the second audition then got dropped!!

    They said the first audition was loadsssss of fun, but the second was boring

  3. NO

  4. no they don't good people in uk bb ,, no nudity  or anythigh boring boring uptight casting by g*y run C4

    and sack devina she is a nob

  5. No thanks.

  6. narrr better things to do

  7. Of course I wouldnt auditions for BB! DEFO DEFO DEFOOO!!!

    I dont care about how the public will see me at the end of the day they either see me for who ir eally am or get off on one :D

  8. Total humiliation and loss of any self respect or dignity, in exchange for the chance to flash your bits for a few quid and waffle on about yourself in a few tabloids till the novelty wears off.

    No way Jose!

  9. go in there with your legs wide open? i wish to state this statement is made with a non-subjective manner! ok!

  10. I love the show but I don't think I would want to be on it. I could not stand not having any privacy for the long. It would be great to be on tv and get my 15 minutes of fame.  

  11. I would, I can handle it.

  12. Pro: Fame and fortune afterwards.

    Con: Total loss of all self-respect and having to actually be on Big Brother.

  13. No i wouldnt.

    Pros- Famous and good cash if u win..

    Cons- Ended up being hated by someone at least..

  14. If someone like Rebecca could get on BB, surely it isn't THAT grueling?

  15. h**l no. I have way too many secrets that i wouldn't want my family to know about!

  16. I would LOVE to try out for BB...dont think my son would be to pleased though!.........still finking about it though!

  17. Im not sure..You'd have to think long & hard before

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