
Would you be able to pretend to like people you live with(family members)?

by Guest61973  |  earlier

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When you know that they are bad people and you strongly dislike them




  1. I never condone bad behaviour.

  2. I've had to my whole life, so yes

  3. yah my step dad

    hes evil

  4. sure. My in-laws. Just for the sake of having peace.  

  5. No and Yes. It depends on where your strong feelings of dislike are coming from. If it's just from personality clashes, strict (non-abusive) parenting or the like, I believe that you should maintain decorum in social situations. Just distance yourself from the person as much as is possible when you are at home. As an example, my younger brother and I couldn't stand each other from childhood all the way into our teens. We fought constantly... Yelling, screaming and even getting into fist fights. Yet as we got older, we realized we were much more alike than we had known, embraced our differences and became closer than ever. We remain best friends to this day.

    On the other hand, I don't believe in the adage of "they're your family so you have to love them". You have to take a close look at them and ask yourself: "If this person were not a family member and I met them on the street would I like them and take them as friend?" If the answer is emphatically no, then you don't have to like or even pretend to like them. Don't be mean, just be indifferent.

    However, if there is any sort of physical or emotional abuse that is rightfully causing this dislike, I would have to emphatically state NO, do not pretend. Contact your local authorities immediately and do whatever necessary to remove yourself from the situation.

    Hope this helps.

  6. If you have to live with them, you can't let them know that you dislike them.  It would just make things harder on everyone, including you.

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