
Would you be angry if Obama beats McCain or if Mccain beats Obama in the election?

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If so why?




  1. neither. doesnt really matter. i prefer democrat afraid of obama. he is too inexperienced and we don't know his motives.

  2. I'd be mad if McCain wins because the economy is going to be in grave danger.

  3. No.  I was raised to accept the voice of the electorate even if I disagree  

  4. If McCain wins, I'll be pissed b/c that would mean the republicans stole the election again; and inturn there may be a possibilty that Miss Alaska might be our commander in chief.

  5. I will be very upset if Obama loses this election.  I believe he is exactly what this country needs at this moment in history.  We cannot take 4 more years of a Bush-like President.  We need change, and the change he has talked about will benefit ALL Americans.  That is what we need.  We need someone who is going to look out for all of us, put America first, and make us safer.  McCain, sure he wants to put country first, but he has the wrong approach.  He does not understand what the average American wants.  We need a President who will end the war in Iraq intelligently.  We need a President who will not instigate more wars, but one who will be about peaceful solutions.  That is not McCain.  I don't want to see anyone drafted into WWIII.  That is exactly what we will get if McCain wins.

  6. I am not sure about angry, but I will be SHOCKED if McCain wins this election. He was lagging behind simply because republicans are unpopular (thanks to GW Bush) then he slit his own throat with his VP pick. Obama may as well start picking out patterns for the oval office.

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