
Would you be angry if your child dated someone who voted Democrat?

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Would you be angry if your child dated someone who voted Democrat?




  1. Angry: no, disappointed: yes.

  2. Really?

    I mean come on Democrat and Republican are just titles, people make such a big deal over it and it really isn't. You children are never going to find a date or partner that agrees with you on everything, and politics should be the least of your worries.

  3. If your main focus is their political stance then I’d say YOU have bigger issues. What happened to making sure she found a man that loves her and takes care of her? Just wanting your kids to be happy?

    But hey, it appears you’re Republican…need I say more!

  4. h**l no! I vote democratic. Either way it doesn't matter, as long as their political stands don't have a negative impact on their relationship.

  5. I'd rather they date someone who votes Democrat than someone who votes Republican, but that's just my opinion, and they can date people who vote any which way they like, as long as they don't try forcing their views on my kids!

  6. No, why? There's nothing wrong with being Democrat or Republican.

  7. no, should not make a difference.

  8. No, I think I would not be angry.  I would feel that I had failed as a parent.

  9. I would be overjoyed.

    i mean, just look at McCain - he wants 100 years in Iraq and has tried to compare Harvard educated Obama with Paris Hilton.

    McCain graduated bottom of his class and crashed 5 aeroplanes.

    Come to think of it, I would be angry if my child voted Republican (neocon)

  10. No, I'd welcome them into the family!

  11. The political views of whomever my child or children dated is none of my concern.  

  12. No, but I would be disappointed if my kids dated a republican. Ewe.

  13. I would be elated that my child dated a person who voted PERIOD. That shows responsibility and concern for the issues facing our country.  

  14. no that's dumb... allow your child to be an adult and date who she chooses, are you going to disown your child if they were to vote in a manner opposite you?

  15. Just because someone does not share your political views doesn't make them a bad person.  Many of my friends have wildly different political views from me & my wife.  At times it's sort of fun to hear phrases traded back and forth like, "Impeach this idiot." or "Inconvenient Truth?  How about inconvenient electric bill?"

    Get over it.  Focus on the person your child's dating, and their character, not their political affiliations.

  16. I would be despondent if either of my sons ever dated a Republican.  It would tell me that, for some reason, they had lost their souls.

  17. Since he's 3 years old- yes.

  18. I'd be sad if she didn't.

  19. Angry no Kinda scared and dissapointed, because she would have such loose morals.  :)

  20. No, as long as he didn't try to preach his democratic ways in my presence.

  21. Shallow much? Geez...

  22. you cannot pick who your child dates-it's a lose/lose situation if you try.

  23. lol, everyone has their own opinion.  No.  Doesnt mean they are a bad person, maybe just misguided, if indeed Democrat was bad... I wouldn't know not being an American, but I am basing this on the fact if my daughter was dating a guy who voted for the party I didnt vote for.

  24. I would be concerned if my daughter dated ANYONE old enough to vote, because an 18 year old would be too old for her.

  25. nope. :]

  26. I would prefer to use a little different criteria  to base my opinion of my childs dates on, like, how he treats my daughter, if he is respectful, and just an all around good person. I really dont care what his political  leaning as long as he isnt a fanatic like yourself.

  27. No, I would be more angry if my daughters dated someone who voted republican. Especially someone who voted for the lazy president we have in office right now. but if my girls are dating, I have bigger issues to worry about....they are only 2 1/2 and 10 months

  28. No...what does it matter...they hardly count the people's votes is all based on the electoral vote

  29. I would be disappointed.

  30. No! Everyone thinks different!

  31. No, because I have better sense than to be prejudiced against a whole classification of long as my child dated a HUMAN, I would be OK with it

    **Though I would be pleased that he had exercized his RIGHT TO VOTE, no matter whom he selected on the ballot!

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