
Would you be angry?

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I took my two kids out for the day today and as my husband has been away from work for 3 days I asked him to do a few of them was to paint my daughters bed pale green...I bought the paint the other day...I came home to a horribly messy house he hadn't washed up one cup...or anything else and instead of painting the bed pale green he had painted the childrens window frames purple! It looks foul and I was upset because I had the colour scheme all planned out he thinks I should be grateful! The mess took me two hours to tidy up and I have been out all day with 2 kids under 3! What do you think




  1. yea i would definately be mad. but did you ask him about the plans you had in mind? that house is just as much his as it is yours. Now washing the dishes i would've flipped out on him because he'd been in the house allday and didn't clean up. thats not fair to me. But he would've ended up cleaning his mess. Im not his maid im his wife.

  2. Pah, he's a man what did you expect! At least he did something and didnt watch TV or play video games all day. Next time just get someone else in to do it and take them out to say thank you. He will start to take an interest in doing things for you

  3. Absolutely!

  4. Im so sorry for how your dh had messed things up for you. I would have him clean it up and let him take the kids out. Honestly having to kids under three years old is a  lot of fun. We have 4 kids under 5 years old. most people have two kids spaced like you . . The colors sound odd for your dd bed. Do you live in the country. I would pay someone to do if for you.

  5. He lives there and is partly responsible for the mess. Get him to help or better still, leave him look after the children and tidy up. See if he can do it.

  6. I wouldnt be happy to be honest, but as the rest said, let him clean up the mess, xx

  7. Of course I would be mad....He didnt listen to what u do.

    Men find it hard to listen to us.

  8. Next time you do the painting and let him take the kids out.

    PS. Why did you clean up the house? Why didn't you make him do it?

  9. well got to say on the one hand he was trying,on the other hand he wasn't paying attention yes i guess you would be mad but try not to blow it out proportion men unfortunately will be men.

    Tell him to go make you a big cup of coffee and give you a hug, tomorrow send him out with the kiddies.

  10. I agree with the first poster, get the kids ready and send him out the door with them.  Tell him to take them somewhere--give him some ideas, and leave him to it.  In the meantime just do the painting yourself.

  11. Men hey?? You should be angry but bare in mind mens brains are wired differently so this may not be his fault!!!!!

  12. A plumber always has a leaky tap.

    A gardener always has weeds on his path.

    A chef lives on beans on toast.

    An electrician never gets around to changing the bulb that's blown

    A mechanic has a squeaking fan belt.

    There seems to be a pattern!

    You can get mad but will it do any good?  

    Wait until he is at work then attempt to do the painting yourself.  (Difficult with a small child and baby I know) but as is often the case, if you want something doing properly, you have to do it yourself.

    I think there is something you can use as a base to cover the purple (I have to get my brain thinking of the old makeover programme where they swapped houses and used loads of MDF - they always used this basecoat stuff)

    Oh and I'm married to an Airconditioning Engineer - my brother has aircon fitted in HIS house, my Mother in hers, my Uncle is next on the list - meanwhile our house has a desk fan :)

    Men - pah!

  13. well I'd be angry  but did he know your plans???

  14. d**n right id be angry !

    mind u since when have men ever listened to us women =)

  15. is this all you do complain about your husband get a life

  16. Your reaction is right. You planned all the things very well and then your husband did everything wrong. You had a lot to do with your kids so he could have done that for you.

  17. He is a decorator and painted your window frames deep purple?  I'm surprised you guys are not poor.  I assume you are not living off his income because it doesn't sound like he knows what he is doing.  That is gross.  I have never heard of someone doing that with a window frame.  I have never seen it either.  Sounds like a Alice and Wonderland gone SERIOUSLY wrong.  Maybe he is creating a room for the Joker.  He a big batman fan?!

    Sorry don't mean to poke fun.  Obviously I would be pissed if my husband did that.

  18. chill about your kids decor.. why does it matter what colour it is? why especially pale green? didnt you expect it messy when you came home? a little mess never killed anyone.
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