
Would you be angry too? People let Pitbulls run free in a "Family" park where little kids play?

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I live in a fairly nice community in Ohio. I like to take my kids to the park a lot in the summertime. Unfortunetly there are no laws against people owning Pitbulls in our town.

I have been noticing a lot of people taking there dogs to this park we have in our community that is for families. It is NOT a dog park. A lot of the dog owners will let their dogs run loose and it scares me, because there are a lot of little kids playing there.

There are leash laws in our town and these people who let their dogs run loose are in violation. I was so upset one time when this guy brought his 2 pitbulls to the park and just let them run loose. I got my daughter and we left the park. It's not just the Pitbulls that scare me it is any dog that is large.

When I was little my cousin was two years old and their 2 family dogs (Laborador Retreivers) attackted him and nearly tore his face off. I have a valid fear of dogs.

Would you be upset too?




  1. I think your seriously paranoid>> Yes dog attacks happen but to single out a breed is not fair i have American bulldogs their two times the size of pitsbulls and i have had them around my child since day one my chihahuas' are more likely to turn and bite my son for doing something...And secondly what you need to realize is it's people like you who have an irrational fear of big dogs that instill that in the generation below you, that's messed up..Any person who owns an animal and loves that animal and is responsible loves to take their dog out to a park or running or even just to ride.. You need to maybe open your eyes and realize that if your community has lots of dogs at the "no dogs" park then there are obviously no signs saying no dogs so>> That said maybe you should find a park with a no animal rule! just remember that your your childs source for stregnth and knowledge maybe you should take that into consideration next time you make a rash decision in haste in front of your daughter!

  2. I'm a "dog person".  I have a healthy respect for the more aggressive breeds (Rotts, Pitbulls, GSDs, etc) but I believe that though some breeds tend toward more dominant behavior than others, most problem dogs are due to problem people.  

    So when I say that I would be upset by this, it's not out of any hate or fear toward Pittbulls.

    You said the place is not a dog park.  There are leash laws and the dog owners are not abiding by them.  If dogs are just "running loose", the owner isn't in control of them.

    Yes I would be upset and yes, I would notify the park services.  Maybe your community needs a fenced dog park.

  3. I would be upset with loose running dogs REGARDLESS OF THERE BREED. I work in a pet store and it seems that all the small dogs are a lot nastier then the pit bulls. There should be no law on owning one in any town. However, no dog should be allowed to run with out a leash in a family park. Next time you are in the park and the dog is running loose either voice your opinion kindly to the dog owner or just call the cops. Maybe go to a town meeting and tell them this. Call the state rep or something to be heard.

  4. i would be so mad because there putting children and adults in danger call animal control i know thats mean to call and i cant believe im saying that because im a animal lover but it needs to happen.

  5. I would be upset if people were letting any breed or size of dogs run free in a park where children were playing. Even the nicest of dogs may bite when startled and with kids running around that just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I don't blame you for leaving. I would have too.

  6. i hate that ppl make pitbulls out to be mean machines when i got with my husband he has 2 of them. and they are sweet animals that love us and loves the baby so i would be concerned if its not a dog park. but people make pits mean.  

  7. well my dogs are always on a leash unless their in my backyard or in a dog park soo yes  

  8. Those leash laws obviously are not being observed and also not being enforced,   I think you need to report this to the authorities and maybe something can be done. Did you tell the owners of the dog? Or did you just leave? I hope that someone does not get hurt or worse. I would be upset and angry as well.

  9. They let them runa round in My neighbor hood with over 50 kids younger then the age of 6.

  10. I will concede that not all Pit Bulls are bad animals. The way they act depends on the way they were trained and raised.

    However, dogs running loose in a park full of children is unacceptable. Some of those kids might be allergic to the dogs, no matter how sweet and behaved the dogs might be.

    I understand your fear of dogs. My crazy ex-next door neighbors had two Newfoundlands who were completely untrained and out of control. Newfoundlands are huge and they jumped on my neighbors' son, who was only five at the time and very small for his age.

    They terrified him out of his wits, and now the poor kid is very afraid of all large dogs.

    I would be extremely upset with this. Please contact the police and ask them to go to the park and ticket the violators of the leash law.

    Best of luck!

  11. Upset is an Understatement! I'd Be Outraged! Those dogs are dangerous! They were made for Fighting!(pit bulls) What was that dip **** smoking when they let that d**n dog run around small children?!?  

    I am Not a Parent, But I'd Totally Flip my **** if that happened!.

    If its a Family Park, You shouldnt have to leave bc some idiot let their huge *** dog run around. Has anyone complained to the city? Or the owners?

    If not, I would confront the Owner. If the dog was running around the next day, I would tell someone in charge.

  12. I think i would be very upset..

  13. I can see both points of view. One being a mother you want to protect your children at all costs and you do have a valid fear of dogs.

    But I've also owned a pit bull myself. Now I wouldn't let my dog run free only because she wouldn't come back lol. But I have 2 small children and she was the best dog ever. I trusted her completely with my children. Now I am a little insulted by you saying "Unfortunately there are no laws against people owning Pit bulls in our town" I do not agree with people banning this breed as it has been shown that even Chihuahua's is more likely to bite then a pit bull is.

    I would certainly recommend speaking to the police dept or the animal control, feel free if you have a cell phone to call while you are at the park and report these inconsiderate jerks.

  14. I love dogs, but I understand. Mine dog is always on a leach. Period.

  15. Pitbulls are actually better with small children than most other breeds.

    The issue here is not the breed running loose, but any dogs running loose where it is against the law. You need to call the police and animal control and report the situation. A few tickets handed out will put a stop to the practice pretty quickly. See if you can get license numbers if the dogs are brought to the park in cars.

  16. I would DEFFINATELY be upset!

    I love to take my 7 year old to the park for picnics, and when ever I see a dog running wild it puts fear in me. At any moment they can attack you and my worst fear is my CHILDREN getting attacked. There are just dumb people that don't give a c**p about serious laws like that. I have a little Yorkie, and even though he's a small dog I as a person that respects the law, keeps him on a leash.

  17. Yes, I would be upset.  Letting dogs run free in a public place when they are supposed to be on a leash is inconsiderate and potentially dangerous.  It's not just the danger of being attacked by a dog.  Even friendly dogs can trip someone, scratch skin or rip clothing when they jump up on people, and leave dog p**p that owners don't always clean up.  I would bring this up to the park department or city council or whomever is responsible for managing the park.  

    Our community just designated certain areas where dogs can run free, paid for by a small user fee that covers maintenance and enforcement of leash laws in the other parks. That way, everyone knows where they can and can't let their dogs run.  It seems like a good compromise.

  18. If you are going to be upset over a pit, you have to be upset over every kind of animal. Not just large dogs, but small dogs, cats, bunnies..

    ALL animals will attack when they feel threatened, or when they smell your fear.

    Perhaps you should either not go to that park, or educate your self and your children on animal psychology and how to act around an animal.

  19. Not all pitbulls or Labs are mean animals. It really all depends on how they are raised. But when out in public they should have a leash or muzzle because people do have their personal fears.. It really depends on the laws in your state or county, In Michigan most counties have strick ordiances regarding pitbulls, labs or any other large animal that might have vicious tendencies..  

  20. I would be upset if the owners of the dogs were not watching them closely (letting them get to close to the kids) or if the dogs didn't seem well trained. I would never allow my dogs off the leash if they weren't well trained. But if your concerned call the city and ask them to come out and enforce the leash laws.  

  21. yes I'd be angry. My son got bit in the eye by a cocker spaniel at a park that had a "no dogs" sign and the dog was on a leach. The owner was holding the dog leach and I was standing next to her talking. My son came up to me to ask me a question and out of nowhere the dog jumped up and bit my son. It happened so fast I couldn't believe it. My son had his hand over his eye and there was blood coming from under his hand. I rushed him to the ER and he had a few stitches right above his eye lid below the brow. He still has a scar and the dog was put down. Turns out my son was the 4th kid this dog had bit! UGH

  22. awwww well im sure if the dog is well trained

    i dont think it would be that bad

    but i do certainly think that they should maybe just create a dog park, so it wouldnt be so bothersom so yeah

  23. Any time I am somewhere with my kids and someone has a dog off leash, even a small dog, I am VERY aware and cautious about that dog. If they come too close, I get something in hand just in case... I'm also glad you pointed out that pit bull or no, the breed is irrelevent. ANY breed can bite and even the small ones can do some damage, especially to a small child.

    Next time I would probably call animal control or the sheriff and inform them someone has a (tell them the breed) running loose in the park and there are small children playing nearby...

    People need to be responsible for their dogs... there are leash laws in place for a reason-to protect the public but to also protect the dogs...

  24. Large dogs don't scare me. I own a golden retriever aand trust him very much. I do however despise pitbulls. A 7 year old boy in our area was recently maulked and killed by a pack of pits. Well, here I am with the in-laws new puppy....a lovely pit. I hate it and refuse to let my daughter around this dog once she's born. I would be upset if I were you too...pitbulls have a nasty reputation.

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