
Would you be annoyed if someone brought a celebrity as a guest to your wedding?

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Would you be annoyed if someone brought a celebrity as a guest to your wedding?




  1. No, they Are people To Just because They Are Know For Whatever They Do is No Reason To be Annoyed.

  2. Rule of thumb has always been to never upstage the bride on her big day.

  3. i wouldn't like it but if you invite them and their invite says To ???? and friend then you must expect they will bring someone!

  4. I was going to say no and that it would be an honor but then I realized that it probably would take attention away from me as the bride.

  5. Not at all, as long as they don't drink all the champagne lol.....

  6. yes because weddings are suppose to be about the couple getting married. If someone brought a celebrity then they would be getting all the attenion.  

  7. No, but hopefully this celebrity doesn't take away the attention that should be on the bride

  8. no way.

    that would be great having someone famous at your wedding!

  9. Nope :) I'd be quite happy--you might get an expensive gift from them :D

  10. I say the more the merrier, a wedding is supposed to be memorable, and if my friend's date was dennis rodman or louis anderson you KNOW it would be memorable LOL!!!

  11. No way, it would be a good way to meet new people, and have better connections!

  12. Yes. Your wedding is your day to shine, and up-stage everyone else. If a celebrity turned up all eyes would be on her... Depending who it is I guess, but I wouldn't be amused.  

  13. Yes, absolutly, coz they would be the centre of attention, and on your wedding day, you want all the attention as you are the bride! :)

  14. It will be an added attraction if someone brought the celebrity to wedding.

  15. Wouldn't matter to me. I hate being the center of attention. Would take the pressure off for sure.

  16. yes, cause the occasion would not be about my wedding but all about the celebrity.

  17. It shouldn't matter who they bring, its not like they are going to bring a tv crew with them. It shouldn't take any shine off your wedding either, the cameras will be on you.

  18. I don't think I'd mind, provided that the guest wasn't wanting to be centre of attention or came laden with a bunch of paparazzi. At the end of the day, people have come to celebrate the joining of two people who love each other, not to stalk a celeb!

    Just as an aside, at my aunts wedding a few years back, a celebrity pretty much gatecrashed... complete with random BBC camera men! Apparently they were filming something nearby and just came in to see things. The camera crew went away instantly (didn't film anything), but the celeb actually stayed for a while and sang some karaoke. Very surreal, but my aunt and uncle didn't mind in the least. :)

  19. I think it would be cool but then at the same time it would be very rude. It is YOU'RE special day.. the spot light is supposed to be on you and you're hubby. Not the guests. But it is your wedding and you do what you prefer. hope this helps

  20. as long as I got the heads up and didn't hate the person (like if someone showed up with Avril Lavigne I think I'd punt her in the head then kick them both out. lol).  My cousin is most likely going to bring a friend of hers who is a big country singer to my wedding.  She's even offered to sing a few songs at the reception.  I love her to death so of course I agreed.

    oh and btw this same cousin,. at her wedding last year, had 2 huge bands and 3 huge solo singers as guests at her wedding, (her husband manages their careers).  No one really paid much attention.  I did at the hotel when I bumped into one but not at the wedding, I was so excited for her day I forgot they were there til the end of the night when they got WASTED and acted like such fools no one could ignore them. lol.  It was fun though.

    edit: wow! some of the people on here, I think some of these brides are forgetting that the wedding is about marrying the person you love. all I see is "it's MY day it's MY day, IM the centre of attention" really? what about your husband's? is it not their day too? I feel sorry for these guys

  21. I would say that celebrities are people too, and your guest is entitled to bring whomever they wish.

    If the attention gets shifted away from the happy couple and festivities, that is to blame on the other guests, and it's inappropriate on their part if they were to swarm or harass another guest.

  22. No, that would be so cool.  If you allow someone to bring a guest then it shouldn't matter who it is.  I guess you would be jealous if someone brought a celebrity to your wedding because then you wouldn't get all the attention.

  23. who's the celebrity?

    if it was someone really famous then it would attract the paparazzi and has potential to be a disaster, but if it was someone i really like then i wouldnt mind!

  24. I would a little bit, because that's supposed to be MY day. And even though everyone might say they won't be paying attention to the celebrity I wouldn't want to risk it.

    On the other hand it would be cool to have a celebrity see you get married...

    I don't know it's a tough one.

  25. depends on the celeb .....

    if it was some smuck off neighbours or home and away or a sports star i would be oblivious anyway would just want attention on me and hubby to be [it'd be our day after all]

    if it was colin firth or stephen king i'd be peed off cos i'd cancel a wedding to talk to stephen king [been a fan since age 11]and cant snog the *** off colin lol[not that i'd have the guts to]

    otherwise if they were just a celeb smuck like first list ....dont care [just not the two important ones lol]

  26. Depends on the celebrity.

    Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus, or anything in that area,


    but Simon Pegg, or Bruce Campbell, or Jack Black, it'd just make everything better!! lol

  27. What a great question!  I would soooo hate it as they would probably end up being the center of attention.

    It would be kinda cool if they brought someone like Osama Bin Ladin though as I could turn him in and get the reward as a Wedding Present!

  28. Nope.. I could care less. My wedding is about me, not who my guests bring. I'll enjoy the food and the wine and the cake, and my new husband.. let the other people enjoy what they want. It's not about who does or doesn't come... it's about the fact that you got married.

  29. I went to a wedding and a political celebrity was there. The situation was little different because this person was a friend of the bride and groom but the guests were quite respectful. We all took pictures with this person and after that, we all seemed to realize that we were there for a wedding and not a celebrity-ogling. Hopefully, your fellow guests will act in a respectful manner towards the real celebrities there - the bride and groom.

  30. Depends on the situation. If they were there to enjoy the wedding and not to stand out (i.e.going incognito, just to attend with their date). I wouldn't mind. But, if it was just a paparazzi bash, then they would be out.

  31. You sound a little bit of annoyed. If you don't like the celebrity ask your guest to please not bring the celebrity because you don't how the other guests are going to react to have someone famous at your wedding. There are people who go nuts when they are around celebrities. If I felt someone was going to take attention from me or my husband on our wedding day, I would not want them there at all.

    Good Luck and Congratulations.

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