
Would you be attracted to a person with a similar personality to your own?

by  |  earlier

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And why or why not? :-)




  1. I was, once, but mostly because he was downright hot. For the most part, I'm attracted to guys who only have a little in common with me.

  2. Good question, Eleanor!  

    Hhmmm.... not sure.  My personality is very complex, so it's certainly possible.   On the other hand, if he were as withdrawn as I am, we'd probably never meet...LOL.

  3. would i be attracted to someone intelligent and funny?

    no, i'm not into men

  4. yeah, i think more so than not.  we'd likely have more in common, enjoy the same activities and so on...

  5. unus et idem.......<^><...........

    (one and the same)

  6. Probably not. I'm an introvert and pretty shy most of the time. I'm usually attracted to outgoing people, basically the opposite of myself.

  7. I am a typical Leo (not due to my date of birth).  My personality is similar to the personality described for Leos in many astrology books.  Though I will be attracted, I know it will be tough to live with another typical leo.

  8. No, I believe opposites attract.

  9. We sit down at dinner and all we do is make smart-*** comments to each for an hour.  I'd say that be very interesting.

  10. For the long term yes, for the short term no.

  11. Definitely not. I know how difficult I am to live with.

  12. VERY...Theres only 1 person i know with my humour and i adore her to bits...

  13. Theres not a single girl who ive met thats like me: shy, philosophical, and sensitive.

    but i prefer a girl who has some similiarities. i mean opposites dont really work out for me.

    i would never like a girls whos all talkin and likes to spend all day shopping for cloths at the mall.

  14. No, because then we'd both be harboring loneliness that we hide behind our mask of power, loneliness that can only be remedied by someone who thinks differently from i do. That is to say, someone who is more an optimist than a realist (which you could argue is pessimistic nowadays).

  15. Yes.

  16. lol I don't really know.  h**l I don't even know my own personality.

  17. Psh nah. I drive myself crazy enough when I'm alone with myself...if I was dating someone like me I think I'd go insane.

    My fiance and I are opposites. It works for us :)

  18. No.  I'm a pain in the a*s.

  19. Of course. We aren't magnets, we're people. We like others that share qualities similar to our own. At least I do.

  20. I share most personality traits with my partner, even his birthday is the day before mine lol.

    We are best friends, lovers and soul mates.

    I would get bored of someone who was  all romantic or angsty so I love that he is calm and earthy.

  21. well, similar values and interest would definitely be attractive. but it'll be better to have someone who was a lil different too. it wouldnt be that interesting if they were exactly the same as myself.

  22. Probably not because I have such a big personality, and I tend to find people with not quite such a big one attractive!

  23. Yes.. I'm usually attracted to someone with similar interests, personality, style, etc.  I do believe that opposites can attract and I have been attracted to my share of opposites, but yes.. usually I'm more attracted to someone who's very similar to myself because I like to share my hobbies and views on the world with people.. and sometimes if you're with someone who's completely opposite than you, it's really hard to do that and still get along or not be bored.

  24. Two submissives together? Nope, doesn't seem like much fun, lol :D

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