
Would you be bothered by this.

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you need to read this question first-;_ylt=AqInHM8VCqzpkaRxFO_jpyDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080731084715AA5EtuJ

so today-

we were driving somewhere, and my sister (casza) got a call from a friend and he told her that he was joining the army, she asked him why and he said, he didnt know what to do with his life. so casza told him, "your 19, take it easy go party"

i am SO bothered by this..... SOOO much. my thought is that your 19, its time to get your act together and start your life. (like collage and whatnot)

then she is going to a local fair, and now that she is unemployed, she asked mommy and daddy for money, and of course mommy gave her some. which is no differnt from when she was emlpyed, she always asks them for money.

then my mom brought up a modeling thing, (casza is very pretty and has modeled before) i think its a bad idea, i refuse to support her. she will get her hopes up, not get the job and be even more of a bum.]

my thought is she goes down to columbus (my cousin lives there,) and tries to get a Dental Assistant there, (i only say this because after some searching there are SOOO many DA jobs available)

casza thinks its a good idea, but from previous times, she will do nothing, she will wait till mommy is done giving her money and then when mommy says no.she will go free-load off of her real dad.

i feel that by my parents baby-ing her she will never grow up and mature.

do you think i am right??

BTW- im thirteen




  1. she's still a teenager. and you have never been in her situation, you're not really in the position to talk.

  2. Why does she bug you so much? Is it hte attention your parents are giving her? think about it....

    yeah shes 19 and should grow up, but let her do her own thing. You are totally entitled to your own opinion on her, but it shouldnt be consuming all your energy like this

  3. your right i feel the same way about my sister

    except shes 30!!!!! but she has a job and her own car but she

    still freeloads off my parents and does nothing for it.  

  4. to be honest im not sure

  5. I agree. She should be out. I know how annoying she can be. I have always lived with my grandparents and my aunt did too and she didn't move out until she was what like 26? Yeah try living with a crazy 26 year old that acts adn dresses like shes 18 and goes and parties and drinks like 18 years olds. I understand completely where your coming from. Also you are right for wanting her out. And plus she can get a good job! She has that degree and she could probaly even possibly get a scholarship to college!

  6. Chill out. Let your sister live her life.

    She is right she is only 19 she has a long time left to live. You have to view of a 13 year old that 19 is grown. She is still really young. If she has modeled before who says she can't do it again. I think you might be a little jealous. If your parents support her you should too.

  7. i agree.

    im not all for the whole joining the army thing

    but i mean 19 isnt that young compared to a teen

    im 14 and my sister is going to college this fall and i kno that when she gets out my parents wont let her stay home

    and its cuz they want her to do something with her life

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