
Would you be depressed if you had to work 2 jobs?

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i am save money for a car and my own place. I am asking this question do anyone have a Advice for me. my first college classes on Aug, 25th.




  1. Keep a picture of the car you are buying in your locker(s) at work. Working two jobs does suck, but if you're reminded of why you're doing it, it will make the work more palatable.  

  2. I worked two full-time jobs the first two quarters of college. I was too busy to be depressed, and the thought never entered my mind. I took a full load of classes and carried a 4.0.

    They were the best set of grades I got in my entire college career. I later exchanged one of the jobs for too much partying and socializing, and the grades fell to 3.0.

    Work hard and good luck to you. It will pay off.

  3. to be honest, yeah!

    but if its just temporary, then go for it! your doing it for a car! not forever!

    Forever would be sad.

  4. nope ..depression would come from another source ex. negative family, abusive bf/gf...

    i would be happy having 2 jobs getting my mind of negative stuff

  5. My dad works like 5 jobs, not depressed at all.

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